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Not long ago, I was looking at some old writings of mine and I found the start of what I imagine I must have meant as a short story. It was a first-person narrative about a left-wing, rather intellectual type of man, in his sixties or late fifties, who went to visit on a regular basis another bloke of roughly the same age who was an ex-military, rather right-wing retiree… and very good at tying men up. The idea of a man handing out power over his body to another man who is in many ways his polar opposite I have always found very exciting. Even more so when the submissive man is one of those super-hot-looking guys I would sometimes see at demonstrations that go by very near my place, lanky sixty or seventy somethings with bushy moustaches and greying hair (glasses are a plus). 

So here is my latest variation on this theme that I like. 

I hope you like it too.




Very hot! Add to the fact that the right-winger willdecide to put the left leaner in a very strict, totally escape proof, chasity device to prent him from procriating anyy more left-leaning radicals.


Sorry. I hit the "send" button before proofreading


Ha, ha! Well, "procriating" is neat. Sounds like procrastinating on the Procreate app.