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He-who-must-be-obeyed called it the Waiting Room. He liked to have his obedient ones waiting there, usually tied up, for the time that he would admit them in His presence. Some, like Bruno, didn't like that too much, or even resented it. But they knew it was a necessary step. One didn't just walk into His place, expecting to be catered to. He was in charge. And He was making it certain that men like Bruno knew it.



Max Roper

Hmm, tied up in his shorts, on his knees, in front of a mirror. Yeah, that ticks a large number of my boxes. Unlike Bruno, I can think of some fellows who might love this situation.

Christian Carbone

I love this, hope its a 1 way mirror and you can view those waiting in bondage


For some reason, I always think of you when I draw a man tied up in front of a mirror. I wonder why?