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It’s a couple of hours after “Getting Back at Master” and the effects of the booze have worn off. Master is now wide awake and not too happy at the situation he now finds himself in. No use protesting, though – the leather head harness his sub put on his head is quite secure and has a gag inside shaped like a cock. No way he can say anything apart from “mmmpf”. He should know – he bought it himself and he’s used it on all his “boys” to keep them good and quiet. Now, he’s the one who’s been kept good and quiet.

His sub, on the other hand, is being more talkative that he’s ever been allowed to be:

“Oh Sir, I see that you’re fully awake, Sir. You know, Sir, you’ve been very naughty, Sir. I’ve been trying so hard to please you, Sir, and it seemed my best was never enough. And Sir, you’re always complaining that you’re the one who has to do all the work, that I’m too passive. Well, Sir, I’ve taken an initiative, now, aren’t you proud of me?”

“Mmmmpffff” the master tries to answer, even though he knows the combination of gag and harness completely silences him.

“I’ll take that as a ‘yes’, Sir. Thank you, Sir. You’ll see, I’m going to attend to your pleasure and you won’t have to lift a finger.”

“As if I could lift a finger even if I tried,” the master thinks.

“Really, Sir,” the sub goes on, “you’re so conservative in your tastes. I’m going to open your mind to a lot of things you’ve never even tried, I bet. I’m sure you’ll enjoy them, Sir. Like, for example, your feet, Sir. They’re a very sensitive part of any man’s body and I bet you’re no exception.”

As he says that, the sub starts running his fingers on his master’s exposed soles.


“You see, Sir? You are ticklish! Relax, Sir, please! Try not to be so tense. You can get a lot of pleasure from being tickled. Let me show you!”




Well, in this case, it's either being in for a difficult time or learning to enjoy it. Sink or swim!

Max Roper

Perhaps both gentlemen are finding enjoyment on the other side of the ropes. Maybe sides have been switched permanently.