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This was the fifth of their weekly meetings after work, and Alfonso was in a weird mood. To say that he had enjoyed being Nikodemos’ plaything the week before was an understatement. After last week, anything felt like an anticlimax. Of course, he enjoyed making the big lug undress, tying him up and making him service him, but enjoyable as it was, there was something missing. Nikodemos certainly looked like he was enjoying himself, though. Alfonso wondered what he was going to do when he had finished his cigarette. What did he want to do? And then, he knew – he would lay Nikodemos on his back, with only his hands tied, and then he would put his mouth to work on the big man’s nipples, cock and balls. Last week, Nikodemos had not wanted to force his big thing on Alfonso, had said he wasn’t ready, that he didn’t want to hurt his “little bear”. Well, maybe the little bear could try and ride the big cock, today, to try and see how it felt. After all, Alfonso thought, he was the one in charge.



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