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Well, this one I haven't got a backstory for. I don't even know the guys' names. What do you think? Is it consensual bondage? And if so, do the guys get to switch sides every now and then? Or is has the guy with the moustache got some hold over the bear that he can make him submit to bondage? And what does he have in mind for him once the bear's tied up?




This is the story I got from the picture: Two long time friends. Anthony, a suave graying mechanic, with a friendly fun-loving personality. And George, a quiet gentle giant of a biker. Since meeting in high school shop class they have been thick as thieves, almost never seen apart from each other. As seasons changed, and hair grew thinner an unspoken relationship begin to grow from there friendship. Both men felt it, and both suspected that these feelings might be mutual but neither of them wanted to risk the chance that speaking let alone acting on such feelings might ruin the brotherhood they both cherished so deeply. Until one evening as they both shard a beer in the back of Anthony’s garage. Shy, quiet George, the beer having loosened his tongue, let it slip that he had noticed the “Babes of Bondage” magazine in the sitting area of the garage. Anthony laughed it off. A costumer must have left it behind. The liquid courage coursing through George’s veins helped to further the conversation, he had thumbed through the magazine and he had liked what he had seen. Stunned, Anthony stared at George slack-jawed for what seems like an eternity but in reality it was probably a few seconds. “Do you wanna give it a try?” asked Anthony. There was another pregnant pause before the biker wordlessly nodded his head, just once. That was all that was needed. Minutes later George with a naked on his knees looking up somewhat worriedly at his best friend, his favorite person in the whole world as he bound his body with rope from the garage. Anthony noticed his friends stare, eyes that whispered George’s apprehension and lust. Bending down and leaning in s there noses were touching, looking into his friends eyes Anthony smiled, and voiced what they have both been thinking for years. “I’ve been wanting to do something like this with you for a long time.”

Timothy Brough

The mustached man seems like he'd be possibly a law enforcement person, while the bear is his long time and intimate friend. There's a look in his eyes that says they enjoy doing this, and their proximity to each other implies an intimacy. The Lawman may also have a propensity towards SM, which is OK for the bear. His muffled groans turn both of them on. But what the picture doesn't show is that the Lawman enjoys luring unsuspecting third parties into his bondage and torture sessions, where he can tie someone with his best friend and make them an unwilling slave, bound, gagged, and soon to be milked dry. Is that perhaps an accurate reading?