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Antonio needed to get out of Mexico really bad! His life was in danger there and he knew the only quick way out was to go to the United States for a while… maybe for a very long while. The only hitch was that he needed money for that, and that he didn’t have that sort of money. What to do, then? 

Antonio had asked every contact he had, said that he was ready to do anything. Finally, someone who knew someone who knew someone had put him in touch with Pedro. Pedro had a very strange people-passing racket going on. Only men should apply, preferably mature guys at least in their forties. Pedro would get them in the U.S. and the mature guys would pay their entry by going around the country being used by a certain number of “sponsors” who were paying for that. It was a sort of indentured service, and although there could be some rough play, nothing would be done to the guys that would really harm them. Basically, they would have to pay with their ass. It had taken some persuading but Pedro had finally convinced Antonio that that was the only way he could afford to go across the border.

So it was that Antonio had crossed the border in the hidden compartment of Pedro’s van, bound and gagged to make sure he wouldn’t try to escape once in the U.S. And now, they were at their first stop, in Southern California. Antonio was being brought by Pedro to meet his first two “sponsors”. In spite of Pedro’s reassurances that the men wouldn’t hurt him… much, Antonio was now not so sure. What sort of deal had he got himself into?



