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Hi everyone. 

Just wanted to start a little regular news for all of you followers… and people who might want to become followers. As you've seen, I have been posting drawings since November 2018, so in a couple of months it'll be a whole year since I've started. I have looked at my own statistics and I see that I have posted between 3 and 6 posts a month. I am going to make a real effort to keep to 5 to 6 posts a month in the future. Drawing is not my mains source of income, so it's always a challenge to try and maintain a regular production schedule. Your following me is the best incentive and I thank you for it!

I began drawing mature and older men in bondage in the mid-1970s, when I was a teenager (yes, I am THAT old!) but I didn't have any drawings published until the late 1980s in the American magazine Chiron Rising, and that only lasted for a couple of years. Then in the late 1990s I had a few drawings published in one issue of the American magazine Bound & Gagged and one issue of the French Projet X. And that was more or less it until the internet came along. Over the last ten years or so, I have realised that there were indeed people who'd appreciate my drawings if they had a chance to see them. I was happy to just share my art for free for a long time but recently, increased censorship from providers made me decide to put my more explicit art on Patreon. However, since drawing is not really a source of income, I decided to keep membership as low as possible, with a single $2.00 tier. I also keep posting some free-access art on DeviantArt, which I find a nice community. I go there under the name Jeryn75, so have a look if you haven't done it yet. Joining DeviantArt is free.

I've been taking a look at what other creators my patrons are supporting and I've found that the top two, hands down, are Papacon and freebo23. Papacon draws very handsome slim older men with long hair and beards (who are very often being done some terrible things but, hey, them's the breaks). freebo23 does illustrations and comics with big beefy daddies being f***ed silly by much younger men, often after having being pu in bondage. Those are two wonderful creators, far better than me from a technical point of view, so if you don't know their work yet, give them a look and maybe you'll want to become their patron too?





I know that B&G's owner did prefer younger models as I had confirmation of that with one of his former models I'm in touch with. And I'm sure that didn't hurt sales, so from a commercial point of view, he was right.


As for alternative magazines, well… Chiron Rising didn't make it pas the mid-1990s and Projet X, which dubbed itself "magazine des sexualités hards" was very focused on the leather and fetish scene which wasn't exactly my cup of tea. But it had one saving grace, that of publishing a French artist called Logan whom I find very good. His comics are available from Class Comics, nowadays.