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Rudy shouldn’t have got drunk at the bar, last night. Especially in an unknown bar in an unknown town. Rudy shouldn’t have got drunk at the bar, last night. Especially in an unknown bar in an unknown town. But when you’re unemployed, drifting from state to state, sleeping in your car, you need a little comfort now and then. Like, Southern Comfort. So Rudy had drunk himself into a stupor. How long ago was that? He had no idea. When he had finally woken up, he had started to notice that he couldn’t move, couldn’t open his mouth. And where was he? All of a sudden, he was wide awake. What the f–k was going on?

This free post is a lesser resolution version of the post my patrons are getting today. For $2.00 a month, patrons are getting four to six downloadable colour drawings at 300dpi, plus access to all the back material.



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