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He had been a captain, some time ago. How long ago was that? He couldn't remember. All he knew nowadays was the thirst - he craved for alcohol. But that didn't come for free. One after another, he had sold all that he owned. Now he had nothing left to sell. Except his body. But who would buy a fat old drunk? The bartender at his favourite dive had given him an answer, knowing full well the former captain wouldn't like it. There were guys who'd pay to fuck him. And the first customer would pay more to pop his cherry. So there he was, the former captain, in a hotel room, getting ass fucked for the first time. His first customer was some rich gay guy from downtown. He had secured the captain's hands behind his back so he wouldn't try to resist. The captain was sober, for once - his customer wanted him to feel it and feel it good. Who knows, he had said, the captain might even enjoy it? To that, the captain's only reply had been a grunt. Fat chance! He was selling the last shred of his dignity and he knew after that, he wouldn't care one way or another. As he felt the lubricated cock sliding in, the captain panicked for a moment - he hadn't expected it to be so big! Then he braced himself and thought of all the booze this would buy him. "There goes my ass!" he thought.



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