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Howdy folks! I realize I've kept the people on the proper patreon a little high and dry for animation content! I've been updating the discord every now and then with progress gifs and screenshots and such while I've been working, so I thought it'd be prudent to shoot some of them onto here too!

In order of gifs:

(1 - 4) The Leonard and Moreau animation is basically finished, I just need to find a good time to actually voice act it and fully flesh it out! Expect to see a full release this month!

(5-7) Howlite Badger's animation is going very swimmingly, although there's been a new addition shot wise recently, so it's gonna need a lot more work before it's ready for voicing and shipping out. Work's going well though, so there's a good chance that'll be on it's way out next month!

(8 - 12) ... and just because I SUDDENLY LOVE making full-length stuff, I've started a new animation featuring Arin and Ben that I've been chipping away at over the last couple weeks! It's been fun! This one will probably find it's spotlight out in March, but we'll have to see with commissions and all!

And that's about it! Thank you all again for being so patient with me putting this stuff out, I'm trying my best to really balance out my work/life balance, and I think it's working really well! I'm excited to have a full animation out soon for you all! 🦊✨



Michael Scarinzi

Oh this is absolutely fantastic 🤤 amazing work as always! Can't wait for these full releases!