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Howdy everyone! Thank you guys again for being awesome and supporting me. I know I didn't release anything fun for March, and that's cause I been hard at work on three seperate projects!

First on here is my next personal animation. I teased it a bit on my last progress roundup, but I'm working on a fun idea about Ben getting pentup while Dan's away, and seeking relief with Arin who conveniently shows up shortly after! This one's a secondary project, which means you probably won't see this project done before the next one I mention here.

The second project is my next comm animation, involving a pair meeting on the subway, and agreeing to have some fun before they both reach their stops. It looks like it's gonna be fun, and progress is gong very smoothly on starting to put it together!

The third project I have going on isn't necessarily an animation, but a personal, long-term comic project! I've been meaning to delve a little deeper into Dan and Arin as characters, and this is gonna be my attempt to! Expect some exercise-related shenanigans, and a new character to be debuted!

Thank you all again for your support, and your patience as I get these things on the ground! It's a lot of fun workin' on this stuff for you guys!




Everything looks really good so far! Keep up the good work 😃


Can't wait to see all of this!