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Why were you out here? No, you don’t have to tell me. Let me guess. You’re to be married to some boring daughter of some warlord or would-be Duke out here on the frontier to secure some kind of treaty or land grab.

I knew it. Always the same. And what a waste. You are…so beautiful, and fine, and clearly need…a firm hand. Some doting thing barely able to call herself a woman would not be an appropriate match for you. No. Not at all.

You need someone like, well, myself.

I really love these kinds of scenarios way too much for my own good *o* The speaker is suuuuch a gentle dominant that it's impossible to say no to her <3

Written by u/LateStageInfernalism
SFX from Envato Elements/HentAudio
Thumbnail Art from Pinterest

NSFW Tags: [Handjob] [Cunnilingus]   

NSFW runtime: 26:44

As always, the SFW version is in the player while the nsfw version with and without sfx has been attached as a downloadable file.



Robert Williams

I don’t comment very often, mostly because I don’t think to, but when I hear an audio like this, I make sure to mention how simply sublime it is. I’ll never tire of dynamics such as this one, I literally shuddered with anticipation as she instructed us that it was our turn. This and the hero who succumbed to the villain’s hypnotic power have been some of the best I’ve heard in a while. Please continue your work, as I will continue to be here to enjoy it


I too enjoy this too much for my own good lol There’s something enticing about submitting 🤷


aaahh, thank you for your comment <3 I hope you can stick around, there will be more content like this very soon!


I don't see the file