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Your girlfriend has never been able to make much time for you, but all that changes today! She went out of her way tonight to go on a date with you. From now on she's a completely different person, in that she'll be able to prioritize you in her life. She's so different in fact... that she even has fox ears and a fox tail? And she's being a lot more loving than usual, too!

;_; I'm so sad! It might stem from my previous issue of my soundcard crapping out on me yesterday, but the secretary audio was corrupted so I have to re-record it! Booooo *cries* Luckily, I have audios sitting in the wings such as this one in case of emergencies ;;;; Well...If you can't have lewd audio, at least you can have some yandere fox girls ^^;;; Please enjoy and I'll try to re-record the nsfw yandere secretary on Monday ;_; have a great weekend!

Written by u/Yan-con
SFX from Envato Elements
Thumbnail Art by ラネミア



dragon cosplay

Kinda shocked hearing a FATE GRAND ORDER RP


Hopefully, there is continuity at some point.

Kepler Armando

I keep thinking, surely the next one can't be better than the last, But ....