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You've just moved into your new place and you're exhausted. Too bad your insomnia is making it impossible for you to sleep. As you lie in bed at 1 AM, trying to fall asleep to some boring economist lecturing a council at IMF HQ about a financial crisis in Benin, you hear something that sounds suspiciously like fingernails underneath your bed...

well...this script turned out kind of differently than I anticipated...;;;; but it's way softer than my most recent material, so I'll take the win.

Good night, my dears :D Sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite!

Written by u/Milky Tea
SFX by Envato Elements




Hey Milky Tea! This was great, how about a yandere ghost-in-the-house (think like Toby from Paranormal Activity)


I love this story!!


Bro,ain't no fucking way I don't know who joey tribbiani is. Am I that old? Fuck.


That was really comfy. Ghost ASMR is probably my favorite kind of ASMR. Not nearly enough of it imo. Thanks.