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You're walking home from work through the nearby park when you see a poor woman sitting on a bench, drenched to the bone, looking very forlorn. Being the kind of guy who helps old ladies cross the street and opens doors for others, you offer her shelter at your home. Unfortunately for you, you've brought something in, something best left outdoors...

Believe it or not, this script started with this particular picture and the request from a patron who wanted me to sing Dream a Little Dream of Me, covered by various legends like Ella Fitzgerald and Doris Day. I actually had to learn this song so I could sing it here and, uh, it's not perfect, but the imperfection just makes it creepier <3 Although, I'm pretty sure the requester didn't expect me to sing it in this context...;;;;; I'm so sorry ;_;

See you tomorrow for a yandere secretary NSFW audio!

Script written by IT WAS ME, DI--wait, no, Milky.
SFX and Ambience by Elements Envato, Tabletop Audio
Thumbnail art by  D2OG KUN




You better make a part two

Eric Schwenke

I honestly avoided this one at first, because the description made me think it was hinting at being about a vampire, but I just now listened to it on YouTube and am so glad I did! I’m still pretty new here, and I just have to say that your voice is as intoxicating as whatever she put in that coffee, and it spoils me for your peers. Try as I may to find others to scratch an itch when the premise of your latest doesn’t suit my tastes, but none of them are half as convincing as you.