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You try to pace back and forth, but any kind of movement is difficult. Not to mention, you don't really have feet anymore. Your gaze keeps drifting over to your corpse, although part of you is convinced that it's not really you. It CAN'T be. And yet, it undoubtedly is. You can't think, can't calm down. You just float over your body and silently panic.

I noticed a few people were talking about horror audios which is something I've kind of neglected ever since I put the midyear poll up here and yandere and lewd just kind of took the top 2 spots with a huge majority ;;;; This isn't THAT scary, could be a lot worse, but it's still quite atmospheric, I hope you enjoy!

Tomorrow is a NSFW fdom kitsune audio <3 Part 2 of this will be up next week!

Written by u/Waterway_Wordsmith
SFX by Tabletop Audio
Image by Stable Diffusion




You should totally look into the Dark Eldar if you wanna do horror stuff like this. You'd come up with some terrifying things


Ha, Futurama reference, "to shreds you say ?"