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Not to brag, but you're kinda the immortal and powerful god-king of an entire country. Many among your subjects are devoted to you, but perhaps none are more devoted than your demon familiar. You saved them from burning in hell for all eternity, and they are grateful, to say the least. They take every chance they can to worship and exalt you in an over-the-top fashion. It even happens when you ask them to go through tomorrow's schedule with you, one evening. Not to mention they flirt with you almost as much as they worship you.

Phew...I was worried I wouldn't be able to post something today, but I did manage something. It's not NSFW as I intended, but it's yandere, so that's okay, right? ;;; Right?!

Have a great weekend, cuties! (and next week, I'll try to do some more nsfw content to make up for today)

Make sure to wash your hands when you come home! Everyone's getting sick around here!

Written by u/Yan-con




No Yandere shall be Hungry under my Rule. So, it is by royal decree that all my Yanderes get a complete meal course every morning. ... What do you mean you girls are not hungry... Then why you keep speaking of CRAVINGs...


Getting strong Albedo vibes from her