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Happy weekend, beautiful people!

It's the weekend now, I'm back from vacation and now it's time to get back to those sleepytime rambles.

Everyonce in a while I like to reach out to you and ask what kind of content you prefer listening to for those hour-long bimonthly weekly rambles.

I would love hear your thoughts! TIA <3 


General Chase

I was really looking forward to hear you talk about the Paris Catacombs. If I remember correctly you said you'd like to talk about them.


I usually only get to hear the first few minutes of the audios so doesn't make a huge difference for me 😅. I believe the rambles were tough on you. Honestly just find a subject you find interesting. It'll make it easier on you and better for us

Adam Thomas

Can you carry on dyatlov pass please? Or the Mary celeste?