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sooo....funny thing about this particular audio.

Remember this audio? https://youtu.be/rruV3EVdtTw

Yeah, turns out I committed a snafu and the linked audio is actually part 3 of another yandere series written by the same author ;;;;

But this THIS right here is the actual audio that follows these two audios:

Part 1: https://youtu.be/sxdhFVuBi-U
Part 2: https://youtu.be/LFFAoAmkGNI

[and even with this series, I messed up because I recorded part 2 before part 1, OTL]

Written by The Mousou Koujou aka u/Miscellaneous_Nado

I hope you enjoy the true ending of the Yandere Wife :P 




Did you record this one live? I feel like you did this one live. Either way, it was really good. I loved this series as a whole. very well done


Yippee, anniversary