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After a while of hanging out with the Devil Princess Luci, she decides to pull out that “favor” she mentioned before. While she doesn’t know enough about the human world, she wants to learn more about you and the world you belong to after being sealed in Hell for a long time. What better way to see the city then on a date!

Oh man. I kept on meaning to post this, but it just kept getting pushed further and further back until I thought it would never get posted. Well, here it is, lol. This was recorded at the end of March...and I think you can tell ^^;;; I think I've improved quite a bit since recording this, but the script was too cute for me not to share!

Part 1 found here.

Written by u/foxlover93




You've always been good with the VA. However, its really impressive listening to this one and then listening to the one that came out yesterday, just how much of an improvement there is. I mean this one is NOT bad. But you're correct in thinking you've improved. I'm glad you released this one. really impressive honestly


Theres Hope for a Continuation.