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A small doodle for the Valentine's Day! Thanks for all your support! Please check all high-res files on your Onedrive links.


Tom had always been a man of routine, his days consumed by endless tasks and responsibilities. His partner, understanding his hectic schedule, often left little surprises for him to discover amid the chaos of his life. But one particular gift, hidden in plain sight on his cluttered desk, remained unnoticed for months—a shiny chocolate box, a token of love from his partner for Valentine’s Day.

Finally finding a moment to cleanup his home, Tom stumbled upon the forgotten gift. With a pang of guilt and a rush of affection, he lifted the lid to reveal rows of perfectly arranged chocolates, each one a testament to his partner's thoughtfulness. The message nestled within the box reminded him of the love he often neglected in his pursuit of success.

Grateful and touched, Tom considered reaching out to his partner immediately to express his gratitude. But curiosity tugged at him, urging him to taste one of the candies first. The sweetness combined with a subtle bitterness danced on his palate, a delightful treat that momentarily eased the weight of his responsibilities. Before he knew it, he had devoured the entire contents of the box, savoring each morsel as if it were the first taste of freedom he had experienced in years.

With his belly full and a sense of contentment washing over him, Tom succumbed to the drowsiness that enveloped him. He reclined on his sofa, intending to send a message of thanks before drifting off into a blissful sleep.

Few hours later, his phone starts ringing with a call from his partner. However, as he reached for his phone, a strange sensation washed over him. A sharp pang of discomfort accompanied by an odd sound emanating from his body startled him awake. He tried to sit up, only to discover that his limbs had transformed into shiny brown cow hooves, encased in a thick rubbery substance. His once familiar arms and legs were now foreign appendages, trapped within a bizarre cow-like form.

Panic seized him as he realized the extent of his transformation. His head adorned with a rubber cow mask, complete with horns and a comically elongated snout. A collar secured tightly around his neck forced his head into an upright position, while a large pink udder adorned with four nipples protruded from his belly.

Frantically, Tom attempted to free himself from the rubbery prison that now engulfed him. But despite his efforts, the material proved impenetrable, and his hooves too cumbersome to wield any tools. As his phone rang incessantly, a call from his concerned partner, Tom's heart sank. He was trapped, unable to communicate with the outside world or seek help.

Desperate for answers, he turned his attention to the empty chocolate box, where a forgotten piece of paper lay waiting to be discovered. With clumsy hooves, he unfolded the paper and read the shocking revelation contained within. The candies he had consumed were not merely sweets but enchanted confections designed to transform the consumer into a rubber cow mascot for Valentine’s Day.

A sense of dread washed over him as he realized the gravity of his mistake. According to the instructions, the only way to return to his human form was to be milked until the box of chocolates was refilled. With no other choice, Tom tentatively began to squeeze his udder, surprised as a stream of creamy liquid flowed from his nipples, forming candy shapes on the ground below.

Despite the absurdity of the situation, Tom persevered, each pull on his udder bringing him closer to freedom. Shot by shot, he milked himself, the process both surreal and strangely intimate. As more candies materialized around him, Tom couldn't help but wonder how long he would remain trapped in this rubbery form, a whimsical reminder of his folly.

Perhaps, he mused, on Valentine’s Day next year, he would finally regain his freedom and present his partner with a freshly filled chocolate box, a symbol of his enduring love and a testament to the transformative power of both magic and affection. Until then, he would continue to milk himself, one candy at a time, his heart heavy with regret yet hopeful for the day when he could once again embrace his humanity.


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