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A gift for Garuganto. Thanks for all your support! Please check all high-res files on your Onedrive links.

Xedryk awoke with a start, his dark scales shimmering in the dim light of an unfamiliar place. The echoes of the bizarre dream still clung to his mind like a haunting melody. As his senses adjusted, he realized he wasn't in his lair or any familiar part of the dragon realms. Instead, he found himself in an otherworldly chamber surrounded by towering, crystalline structures pulsating with an eerie energy.

His immense wings unfurled, and his eyes, gleaming with an otherworldly intelligence, scanned the surroundings. Xedryk felt a strange sensation coursing through his veins – a residue from the dream that was now his waking reality. It was as if the dream had transcended the boundaries of sleep, infiltrating the very fabric of his existence.

Suddenly, a shadowy figure emerged from the darkness. It was the monstrous being from his dream, the shiny black entity with the head of a demon bull. The air seemed to crackle with energy as the creature approached Xedryk with an otherworldly grace. Its red eyes glowed with an unnatural light, and it spoke directly into Xedryk's mind.

"Fear not, Xedryk. You are now one of us, a creature of the void. Your destiny has been rewritten, and your purpose redefined."

Xedryk tried to resist, to unleash the mighty roar that had struck terror into the hearts of many, but his vocal cords betrayed him. Instead, a guttural, mechanical sound emanated from his throat.

The monster reached out, its touch sending shivers through Xedryk's draconic form. With a swift, almost casual motion, it lifted him off the ground and positioned him above its open chest. Xedryk struggled, but an unseen force held him in place.

The demon bull's tongue snaked out, and a strange, sweet-smelling goo began to flow from its maw. Xedryk's struggles intensified as the liquid enveloped his limbs, turning them into a rubbery substance that matched the creature's own glossy exterior.

Desperation clawed at Xedryk's consciousness as the tongue forced its way into his maw, pumping the goo into his throat. The sweet smell intensified, mingling with the acrid scent of transformation. His once majestic form convulsed, succumbing to the mysterious forces at play.

As the transformation reached its climax, Xedryk's entire body adopted the shiny, black sheen of the monstrous being. A mask materialized, covering his once fierce and regal visage. He was no longer the dark dragon that had terrorized the realms; he was now a new creation, a rubber drone, ready to serve his enigmatic master.

The demon bull spoke again, its voice reverberating within the recesses of Xedryk's altered mind. "You are Xedryk no more. You are a harbinger of change, a servant of the void. Embrace your new existence, for your journey has just begun."

And with those words, Xedryk, now a dark drone of rubber and shadow, stood ready to fulfill whatever dark purpose awaited him in this surreal realm beyond dreams.



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