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Thanks for everyone support! Here is the second Patreon Reward this 12/2023!

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The idea was based on this tweet! 

A small story go along with this one:

In the vibrant outskirts of the city, a peculiar new club beckoned the curiosity of lifelong friends, Max and Oliver. Eager to explore its mysteries, they decided to extend an invitation to each other, unaware of the strange dress code that awaited them.

As they arrived at the club's entrance, an eccentric shop owner enlightened them about the rules: rubber attire was the key to admission. Unprepared for such an odd requirement, the duo contemplated returning home. Just as they were about to leave, the shop owner, sensing their bewilderment, offered a bargain – a chance to try on an exclusive outfit crafted for the club.

Guided to a lavish changing room, the scent of fresh rubber enveloped Max and Oliver. Each was handed a peculiar ensemble comprising a fox-shaped rubber head, fingerless rubber gloves, fox-tail-adorned rubber panties, and knee-high rubber boots mimicking fox legs. Despite initial hesitation, curiosity propelled them to slip into the eccentric attire. With assistance, they navigated the intricacies of the rubber suit, and a staff member expertly inflated it through air valves, completing the transformation.

Immersed in the club's exuberant ambiance, the rubber-clad duo surrendered to the jubilant activities and pulsating music. Discomforts were forgotten as they embraced the bizarre spectacle. Eventually fatigued, they sought the dressing room to shed their peculiar attire and retire for the night.

However, their joyous escapade took an unforeseen turn. Attempts to disrobe proved futile; the rubber adhered to their bodies with an unyielding grip. Panic set in as their hands, now encased in rubber, lost the ability to manipulate the outfit. Fear crept over them – was this a sinister ploy by the club owner? The once-joyful night morphed into a desperate struggle for escape. Trapped in their rubber prison, Max and Oliver pondered whether they would ever find a way to break free and return home safely.



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