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Thank your for all your support! Here is the second Patreon Reward this 11/2023.

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And here a small story with it:

David couldn't believe his eyes as he unwrapped the peculiar package from Xedryk, a consequence of losing a bet the previous weekend. Per their agreement, David was obliged to don any outfit chosen by the rubber dragon who had bought it for him. The contents of the parcel included a large rubber necklace, a pair of rubber underwear, a rubber harness, two rubber bracelets, and a tiger-headed mask commonly worn by wrestling athletes.

Following Xedryk's insistence, David reluctantly began the transformation. He undressed and donned the rubber underwear, then placed a bracelet and necklace around his body. When David picked up the tiger mask, an unusual sensation swept over him. The necklace and bracelet seemed to tighten, and suddenly, a rubber-like liquid poured forth from his clothes, adhering to his skin. The liquid swiftly spread across his chest, abdomen, calves, and arms.

In a panic, David tried to resist, struggling against the encroaching rubber liquid. Despite his efforts, it was futile. The mask flew out of his hand, hurtling towards his face. Desperately attempting to free himself, David fought against the rubber as it formed a tight seal. Rubber tubes extended into his nose and mouth, stifling his screams and serving as both a breathing apparatus and a silencer. The mask contoured to his face, leaving an O-shaped opening in his mouth, with lubricating liquid ready for use.

Within minutes, David's entire body underwent a complete transformation into that of a rubber tiger, rendering him unrecognizable. His hands felt like thick rubber gloves, impeding his ability to grasp anything. Despite the struggle, David used his squeaky rubber fingers to try and remove the tightly adhered tiger mask. Oddly, the more he pulled, the more securely it clung, showing no signs of separation. David now resembled a life-sized toy, awaiting the whims of his best friend.

The doorbell rang, announcing the arrival of David's rubber friend. Confused and trapped in this bizarre rubberized form, David pondered the prospect of being stuck like this for the entire weekend. Alternatively, if his friend decided to banish him, David might be relegated to the fate of a forever-locked rubber tiger toy.

Xedryk entered the room, eyes widening with a mix of amusement and curiosity at the sight of the rubberized tiger that had once been his companion. The room echoed with the peculiar squeaking sounds produced by David's rubber-covered limbs as he futilely struggled against the constraints of his transformed body.

Unable to resist the temptation, Xedryk circled him, inspecting the rubber-coated contours of his once-familiar figure. Every attempt to move elicited a symphony of squeaks, and David's muffled protests were lost within the confines of the tiger mask.

As David squirmed, his friend couldn't help but find the situation increasingly entertaining. He playfully tugged at the rubber tail and experimentally pressed on the rubberized surface, reveling in the strange sensation beneath his fingertips. The mask, which had seamlessly fused with David's face, became a source of amusement as he tried unsuccessfully to pry it off.

The struggle only fueled his friend's desire for more amusement. With a devious glint in his eye, he decided to intensify the experience. The rubber dragon discovered the mitten-like hands were now useless for resisting further exploration. He chuckled as he discovered various openings in the rubber suit, and a mischievous idea dawned upon him.

With an impish grin, Xedryk continued toying with the rubberized tiger, exploiting the transformed body's newfound vulnerabilities. He fills in his huge cock into this lubed hole and keeps pushing it upward. David's struggles intensified, but the rubbery material held firm, amplifying the helplessness of his situation. Ways of pressure glow over both bodies, reaching closer and closer to the climax.

Many shots of semen fill up both of David's holes and leak out of his rubber tiger maw. Xedryk, in the afterglow cooldown, observing the endless struggle and realizing the extent of David's transformation, made a decisive choice. The decision hung in the air as he looked at the rubberized tiger, now a mere plaything at his disposal.

A sense of finality settled as Xedryk retrieved an app from his phone. With deliberate intent, he approached David and, with a click, a lock symbol turned red on David’s bulge. The lock has a keyhole symbol that switch to infinity symbol in the center. That kept him in chastity mode permanently.

"You make a good toy, David," Xedryk remarked with a smirk. "I think I'll keep you like this. Forever."

The gravity of the statement lingered in the room as David, now a rubberized captive, faced the prospect of an eternity confined to the whims of the rubber dragon. About his new master, Xedryk, have a plan active a rubber tube that link his bulge with his maw to give him a good recycling sometime. The once-innocent bet had spiraled into an unforeseen and permanent transformation, leaving David to exist solely as a rubber tiger toy, forever subject to the amusement of the one who held the key. 



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