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The moment I awoke, disoriented and trapped in a strange rubber catsuit, panic surged through my veins. The catsuit clung to me like a second skin, and there was no visible zipper or opening to escape it. Fear gnawed at the edges of my mind as I tried to recall how I had ended up in this bizarre situation.

My eyes darted around the dimly lit maze, the walls of which seemed to be made of some translucent, rubbery material. A flicker of movement caught my attention, and I turned to see a paper note lying nearby. Trembling, I picked it up and read the chilling words scrawled upon it: "Welcome to the Game. Escape the maze to be released from your prison."

My heart pounded as I absorbed the message. The note went on to explain the dire consequences of failure. In this twisted game, a hunter lurked within the labyrinth, a rubbery wolf-like creature with inky black eyes rimmed by sinister red luminescent pupils. He wore brown rubber pants and a black rubber coat, and in his hands, he wielded deadly rubber scythes. The note warned that the hunter possessed extraordinary smelling skills, making evasion nearly impossible.

I hesitated, my mind racing with fear and confusion. But time was not on my side. I took off in a sprint, navigating the maze's winding corridors. My breath came in ragged gasps as I desperately sought an escape. Every turn, every dead end, seemed to mock my futile efforts.

Then, as I rounded a corner, I saw him—the rubber wolf hunter. His eerie, predatory gaze locked onto me, and with a grace that belied his rubbery form, he closed the gap between us. My heart hammered in my chest as I tried to outrun him, but it was in vain.

With a swift, merciless strike, the hunter tossed a gray rubber ball at me. The ball exploded on impact, coating me in a viscous, rubbery goo. I screamed as the transformation took hold, reshaping my body into that of a wolf-like creature similar to my captor.

I had become one of them—a hunter, a minion of the maze. The hunter's hypnotic gaze held me captive, and I found myself compelled to obey his commands. My thoughts twisted and darkened as I embraced my new role, a relentless force in the maze's relentless game.

Days turned into weeks, and the labyrinth filled with new survivors who had met the same fate as I had. The hunter's power grew with each addition to his twisted ranks. As we multiplied, our collective hunting skills improved, making escape for any new arrivals increasingly improbable.

I couldn't remember my life before the maze, couldn't remember who I had been. All that remained was the relentless pursuit of survivors, my rubbery form now a nightmare for those who dared to enter our domain.

And so, the cycle continued. As the number of hunters grew, the chances of escape dwindled further. The labyrinth was an ever-expanding prison, and the rubber wolf hunter, with his sinister scythes and hypnotic gaze, ensured that we would hunt together forever.


Thanks for all your support. Wanna read another versions of the story? Read the included text file with this post. 😊😉



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