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Xedryk was a scientist, known for his unquenchable thirst for discovery and his unyielding dedication to his experiments. Currently, he was engrossed in researching a peculiar rubbery liquid that held the potential to revolutionize the fashion industry.

Xedryk's laboratory was an intricate web of glass tubes, intricate machinery, and flickering holographic displays. He peered intently at the transparent container before him, its contents shifting and flowing like a sentient creature. The rubbery liquid was translucent, mesmerizing in its fluid dance, and it held the promise of transforming into wearable clothing.

One fateful evening, while Xedryk was lost in the complexities of his research, he failed to notice an unauthorized presence in his lab. A shadowy figure moved with stealth and precision, pouring a mysterious compound into the container when Xedryk's attention was diverted by a series of holographic data streams. As the compound mixed with the rubbery liquid, a chain reaction was set into motion, unseen and unheard.

With an ominous hiss, the once-clear liquid began to shift in color. Bright red tendrils unfurled from the core, snaking and coiling in all directions. Before Xedryk could react, the liquid leaped from its containment, enveloping him in its warm, sticky embrace. Panic surged through him as he struggled, but it was too late.

The liquid rubber clung to his body, adhering like a second skin. He felt a strange sensation, a mix of tingling and pressure, as the liquid began to harden and solidify. Before his disbelieving eyes, the once-fluid substance transformed into a tight, seamless layer of rubber that covered him from head to toe.

Xedryk's muffled cries were barely audible as the rubber encased his body completely. He attempted to stretch and peel away the material, but it resisted his efforts with a stubborn grip. Desperation gripped him as he fought against the encroaching confinement.

The rubbery coating continued to spread, inching downward relentlessly. Xedryk's struggles intensified, but the material was unyielding, wrapping around his limbs, torso, and even his neck. He felt like he was trapped in a vacuum, his movements restricted by the tightening rubber. His breath came in short gasps, the anxiety clawing at his chest.

A chill raced down Xedryk's spine as he realized the rubber was now engulfing his most intimate areas. The liquid had formed a snug bulge around his crotch, effectively blocking any attempts to stretch or maneuver. Panic surged anew, and his mind raced for a solution. His lab equipment was out of reach, and he was trapped in this suffocating embrace.

As the transformation continued, the rubbery substance seemed to have a mind of its own, as if responding to some unseen command. It molded itself into a mask-like formation, the surface contorting and shifting, gradually taking on a dragon drone appearance. The mask formed completely, hovering before his eyes, and Xedryk braced for whatever might come next. Xedryk's vision became obscured by the rubbery mask that had solidified over his face. He could see through it, but his surroundings were distorted, a kaleidoscope of colors.

Inside the prison of rubber, Xedryk's heart pounded. Fear and confusion mingled with the sensation of being cocooned, the boundaries of his own body seemingly fading away. He struggled less as a strange calm settled over him, accepting that escape was impossible.

A strange voice keeps repeating in his head…

“Be a good drone…”

“Obey the master….”

“Be a good drone…”




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