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The story is written by Epileptic-Dog on Furaffinity based on his commission.


It was what seemed like a normal weekend afternoon when Jason’s doorbell rang. After he walked down the stairs to answer the door, he saw that his package had arrived. Excitedly, he brought the package into his apartment and set it down on the table.

He had been looking for Nintendo Switch games online, and found a neat deal for the Spyro Reignited Trilogy. It had already been out for a while, but someone was selling special packages on Amazon, which came with a gem that looked just like one from the game. The item description said each package contained a real gem from the Dragon Realms, which Jason thought was silly because that obviously wasn't true. But the gem looked cool enough from the pictures, so he figured, why not? There were different colored gems to choose from too, so he chose a purple one. Spyro was a purple dragon after all!

Now that it had arrived, Jason cut open the package before taking out the game box and the gem. He couldn't believe how good the gem looked out of the box! It was smooth and shiny and perfectly cut. He figured the pictures online had been photoshopped to make it look better, but the purple gem looked like it could be real amethyst. There was no way it could be though because the price was way too cheap for a real gemstone. He figured it must just have been a very convincing imitation.

There was a small card in the package too, which read, "Thank you for buying our very special edition of Spyro Reignited Trilogy! Once you've turned on the game, hold the gem up to the screen for a special surprise. It will really get you into the game!"

Jason wondered what kind of surprise it could be talking about. Maybe it was like scanning an amiibo on the Switch. Regardless, he was really excited to play the remastered trilogy. He loved playing the old Spyro games on the Playstation 1, so playing them in HD would be awesome! After booting up the game on his Switch, he picked up the gem and held it up to the screen like the booklet instructed. At first nothing happened, but then the screen flickered, and what looked like a portal to one of the game levels appeared on screen. And even stranger, the gem in his hands started to glow! His eyes widened in surprise, but before he could react, a large mass of purple liquid rubber sprayed out of the gem.

“What the hell!?” Jason shouted as the shiny rubber goo splattered all over his chest and arms, and he dropped his Switch and the gem in surprise. 

“Agh! What is this stuff!?” he yelled as he tried to brush off the goo, but for some reason it wouldn’t come off. It stuck tight to his arms and then started to move on its own, oozing up under his shirt and down into his shorts. His Switch landed on the floor with a thud, but the gem just kept spraying him with purple rubber as it fell, much more than what should have been able to fit inside it. And it seemed to fall slower too, like some kind of magic was holding it up as it continued to coat him with liquid rubber. 

Something else took shape in the rubber as it sprayed over Jason. What looked like a dragon shaped mask formed in the purple goo and started to move towards his face. It had purple eyes and a strange red rod on the inside. It took him a moment to realize the thing inside the mask was shaped like a cock. It was a rubber dildo! And although he couldn't see it at this angle, it was hollow, and the base ended in an O-shaped hole at the mouth of the mask. 

"What- is that a dick!? What the hell is happening!? Get this stuff off me!" Jason shouted. At this point, the liquid rubber was starting to burst out of his t-shirt in various places, opening up small tears in his clothes as it spread over his body. And the gem was still slowly floating down and spraying him with more purple rubber goo. He tried to block it with his already rubber coated hands, but the spraying rubber just flowed around them and splattered onto his crotch and thighs.

More liquid rubber worked its way into his shorts as it began to rip them open in the process as well. He pulled and tugged at the rubber goo, but it was no use. It was stuck tight to his body and wouldn’t come off. And as it continued to spread, the rubber tightened around him wherever it had spread.

Jason could feel the purple goo squeezing his torso, and it tightened around his thighs and ass as it oozed down his legs. It squeezed his arms too as it covered them completely. The pressure wasn't uncomfortable, and as the liquid rubber continued to tighten around his body, it started to feel surprisingly good. He was too scared and confused by the situation to enjoy the feeling though. And as the spreading goo ripped apart the back of his shorts and underwear, another hollow red dildo formed from the rubber behind him, moving straight towards his ass.

He was too focused on the mask moving towards his face to notice it though. More purple goo spread up his neck and the back of his head as the mask expanded, some of the rubber changing color as yellow horns and a frill of yellow rubber scales formed on top of it. And as it moved towards his face, he realized the red dildo was moving right towards his mouth.

"No no! Get off me! That dick's not going in my mouth, no way!" Jason yelled as he grabbed the sides of the still forming mask, trying to push it away from his face as the liquid rubber kept spreading over his body. Meanwhile the tip of the rubber dildo behind him poked at his asshole, starting to shove itself into him as the purple goo forced open the zipper of his shorts. He looked down just as the strands of the goo tore open the front of his boxer briefs and wrapped themselves around his cock and balls. The liquid rubber started to tease and squeeze his shaft, forcing it rock hard as the tip of the dildo pushed into his ass.

"Aahhh! Wh- no wait! Stop that! G- get out of my ass! Ahhhh…" Jason moaned out as he reached behind him to grab the dildo shoving itself into his ass. But he couldn't get a grip on it, and as the rubber goo wrapped itself more around his cock, the dildo shoved itself further into his rear. His body trembled with pleasure despite his efforts to stop the invasion of his ass and the teasing of his cock. And as a result, his other hand's grip weakened on the rubber dragon mask. That was all it needed to slip out of Jason’s grasp and slap onto his face.

"No- stop! Get ooommnnnffff mmmfffff!" Jason moaned out as the rubber dildo shoved itself into his mouth, the purple goo spreading over his head completely as the dragon mask fused with it. He gasped and squirmed as the dildo shoved itself further down his throat, reaching his other hand back up to desperately try to pull off the mask. The rubber cock pushed so deep into his throat that it made him gag, but as dildo finally settled into him, he got used to the feeling of his throat being filled. His gag reflex settled down, but he still pulled and tugged at the rubber mask. However, it was no use. The mask wouldn't budge, and the dildo had started to squirt a gooey substance down his throat, forcing him to swallow it.

Since Jason had taken his hand off the dildo behind him, it was able to easily shove itself all the way inside his ass. He moaned loudly around the hollow dildo in his mouth, the other one lodging itself inside his ass with no way to pull it out. And since the anal plug was hollow, there was still an open O-shaped hole left in his ass, coated in red rubber just like the one in the mouth of the dragon mask.

When he reached behind him to try to feel if the anal plug had pushed all the way into him, he could feel the O-hole between his ass cheeks. The dildo was completely buried inside him. It was pressed right up against his prostate too, sending waves of pleasure through his body and making his cock throb like crazy, as more of the rubber squeezed and teased his shaft. He moaned and squirmed as the dildo in his ass shot more of the gooey substance up inside him.

The spreading goo teased Jason’s body wherever it covered as it penetrated him from both ends and stroked his throbbing cock. But despite the extreme pleasure this rubbery ooze was subjecting him to, he fought to get it off. However, the more he pulled at the mask, the more it seemed to tighten around his head. He could see out of the purple eyes, but more goo was covering his face inside the mask. Luckily it left his eyes uncovered, and he looked into the mirror on the wall to get a better view of what this liquid rubber was doing to his body. When he saw the yellow horns and frill on his head, he recognized the visage immediately. Was it a Spyro mask? Was this some kind of kinky living Spyro suit? What the hell was happening to him!?

But Jason soon found out it was more than a suit. The cock gag in his mouth and plug in his ass continued to squirt more rubbery goo inside him, causing his body to change and grow. As the purple rubber formed a tight second skin around his arms, his muscles started to swell. His biceps and triceps and deltoids bulked up, his forearms expanding as the rubber became tighter around his growing muscles. His middle and pinky fingers on each hand fused together too, leaving him with four fingers on each hand, which grew pointed white claws at the tips.

‘What the hell?’ Jason thought as he looked down at his changing hands and saw his arm muscles growing in real time. He knew it wasn’t just the rubber packing on more layers because he could feel the muscles expanding under the shiny rubber. And just like everything else, the feeling of his muscles growing sent waves of pleasure through his body, making his cock throb even more. He couldn’t resist letting out a muffled moan around the cock gag in his mouth, still unable to speak. But he couldn’t give in and just let this happen… whatever was happening to him… no matter how good it felt. He had to stop it somehow! But there seemed to be nothing he could do.

The purple rubber was becoming more solid as it changed Jason’s body, and it started to form a scaly pattern as his torso began to change too. The rubber covering his chest and the front of his neck changed color to yellow as it tightened and solidified around him. Even though he couldn’t see it, his skin was growing purple and yellow scales under the rubber as it spread over him. And as the spreading rubber tightened around his chest and back, he could feel those muscles expanding too.

Jason’s pecs ballooned out, growing larger as the yellow rubber tightened around them. And as his muscles expanded, the remains of his shirt grew tighter and tighter around his frame. His abs hardened too, growing into a six pack as his chest grew bigger and bigger, his back muscles swelling as his torso became too large for his already torn shirt. A line of larger yellow rubber-covered scales grew down the middle of his back as his shirt rode up his expanding waist, tearing and ripping even more as he grew larger.

He frantically snapped back and forth between looking down at his growing chest and looking at it in the mirror, watching as his muscles swelled and his shirt finally tore to pieces, revealing his new massively muscular, rubber dragon chest fully. He felt his big yellow pecs and abs with his four fingered hands, not quite believing they were real at first. But he could feel that they were real, and they were huge now! As he rubbed his chest, the tight yellow rubber made a deep squeaking sound like he was rubbing a pooltoy.

‘Wait a minute,’ Jason thought, ‘Is this stuff actually turning me into… a rubber Spyro!? This isn’t possible! This- can’t be real!’ He tried to pull the yellow rubber off his chest, but he couldn’t get a grip on it anymore. It had completely solidified and stuck tight to his body, almost like it had fused with his scaly skin. By now it seemed like the skin on his chest and arms had been converted into purple and yellow rubber. The rubber wouldn’t stretch at all, and his attempts to pull on it just resulted in him squeezing and tugging on his now huge, muscular, and rubber-coated pecs and abs and arms.

While Jason was preoccupied with his chest, the rubber squeezed and tightened around his ass and cock and balls. He could feel his rear growing larger as his ass cheeks swelled and bulged with muscle. His purple ass grew bigger and rounder, becoming a perfect muscular bubble butt as yellow rubber goo enveloped his balls.

The rubber flowing over his cock became bright red, the same color as the rubber dildos that were shoved deep into his mouth and ass. And it formed into a strange shape too. The red rubber goo took on the shape of a knotted dragon cock as it covered his member completely, the large knot bulging at the base as the tip of the shaft became pointed, effectively enclosing his cock in a big red dragon cock sheath.

The red rubber sheath squeezed Jason’s shaft even tighter as his cock and balls began to change and grow under the rubber. He moaned loudly through the cock gag in his mouth as his legs trembled with pleasure, his cock throbbing harder than it ever had before. And with each throb of his shaft, his cock and balls grew a little bit more. His balls swelled larger and larger as his sac turned yellow, and his cock grew thicker and longer as its color changed to bright red to match the sheath. The shape slowly changed to match the sheath too as it filled out to the size of the red rubber dragon cock.

These changes felt the most intense and pleasurable yet. Jason felt like he could cum any moment as his shaft throbbed and grew under the red rubber, and he could see his cock and balls growing visibly as he looked down at them. He blushed hard under the rubber Spyro mask, but he fought the urge to shoot his load. He didn’t want to be forced to cum like this, while being stuffed from both ends and transformed into some kind of rubber facsimile of Spyro.

But if this went on much longer, he wouldn’t have a choice! Jason’s cock and balls stretched and grew, his shaft changing as the base bulged out into a knot and the tip became pointed. Soon his new dragon cock filled out the rubber sheath completely, the shape matching perfectly as it squeezed his cock tight. He let out more loud muffled moans, unable to keep quiet now with the intense pleasure from the changes and the rubber enveloping his body.

The floating purple gem still hadn't hit the floor yet, and it was spraying more purple goo over his legs. At this point, it was reaching his knees as the liquid rubber tightened around his thighs. The only recognizably human parts of him left that weren't covered in rubber were his feet and lower legs.

Finally, Jason thought to kick the gem away, but quickly found out that was a bad idea. He was able to launch it a few feet with his foot before it stopped, floating back toward his legs before it resumed spraying him with liquid rubber. And as it did so, it let out a bright flash of light, which triggered the rubber dildos in his mouth and ass to thrust into him hard. This just pressed the dildo in his ass up against his prostate even more, which was enough to make his legs tremble as his cock spurted a bit of precum.

The rubber felt tighter around his upper legs as his thighs started to grow. They swelled and bulged with muscle just like his arms and torso had. He moaned as his thighs grew larger and more muscular, the purple rubber solidifying over them too as it continued to spread down his legs.

As purple scales sprouted on Jason’s legs under the rubber, he couldn't help but notice how sexy his new massive muscles looked in the mirror. In regards to muscle mass and size, he was getting the body of his dreams, something he didn't think he could achieve no matter how much time he spent at the gym. And the sight of his huge, bodybuilder-like physique was making his cock throb even more. But he didn't want to get such a muscular form like this!

As sexy as the muscles looked, Jason didn't want to be changed into a rubber purple dragon! And he didn't want these rubber dildos forcibly jammed into his mouth and ass in the process either, no matter how good it felt and how much it made his cock pulse and throb. But just like he could do nothing to stop the spreading rubber from transforming him, he had no way to pull out either dildo. He tried pushing his fingers into the holes left by the hollow plugs and pulling them out from inside, but they were lodged firmly inside him and wouldn't budge an inch.

Stranger yet, something else started to form on his back and outer thighs. The purple rubber stretched out into small protrusions, turning yellow on the edges of them as they formed solid rubber handles. In the mirror, he could see one forming on each of his thighs and four forming on his back. Once they had finished constructing themselves, he realized they looked like pooltoy handles.

'What the hell are these for?' Jason thought, "I'm not turning into a Spyro pooltoy, am I!?' But his body still felt solid, heavier in fact with all the added muscle and certainly not like it was filled with air. He reached down and tugged on the handles on his thighs but they didn't budge, just squeaked with that same rubbery queaking sound that resulted from rubbing his rubber skin. They felt like they were attached to him just as much as the rest of the tight rubber now. And as he racked his brain to figure out what the purpose of these handles could be, he realized they were in the perfect position for a horny guy to grab him from behind as he fucked him in the ass. And with Jason’s ass held open in an O-shaped hole, it would be even easier for another man to shove his cock deep inside him. Someone could easily fuck Jason’s face at this point too, maybe using his yellow horns as handles as he thrust his cock into Jason’s tight O-hole mouth.

He blushed hard under the tight rubber at that thought. His red dragon cock throbbed and leaked even more as he imagined two guys fucking him at once, spit roasting him as one pounded his tight O-shaped ass hole, and the other face fucked him in his O-shaped mouth. Their cocks would stretch out the dildos in his mouth and ass, stuffing him even more as Jason shook his head as he tried to remove these horny thoughts from his mind. 'What the fuck am I thinking!?' he thought to himself, 'I don't want to be some kind of rubber sex slave! That's what this stuff is doing to me! It's turning me into a rubber Spyro fucktoy! Why is this happening to me!? I don't want this… it isn't real! It can't be!'

But just then, he felt the very real sensations of his face starting to shift and change, his jaw stretching forward into a muzzle under the Spyro mask. His nose curved up a bit as his jaw lengthened, and his hair slowly dissolved and disappeared under the purple rubber.

'No no, not my face!' Jason yelled in his mind as his eyes widened. 'Please don't do this, just get off me! I don't want to be Spyro!'

"HMMMFF MMMP HMMMNNFFF!" was all that could be heard as he let out unintelligible muffled yells around the cock gag in his mouth and reached up to pull on the mask. It was still stuck tight to his face and wouldn't budge, but he was still able to stretch out the rubber of the mask, unlike the rubber on other parts of his body. But the more his face changed, the harder it got to stretch out the mask.

Jason’s face stretched forward further, sprouting purple scales all over the skin under the mask. His tongue lengthened as his teeth became sharper in his mouth, but they were still completely unable to pierce the hollow rubber dildo in his growing muzzle. As his face continued to change, the purple rubber pulled tighter and tighter onto his head, stretching out less and less as he desperately tried to pull off the mask. Yellow horns sprouted from his skull, growing and filling in the yellow horns of the mask, as Spyro's iconic yellow frill of yellow scales grew in a line on top of his head.

Finally, his purple draconic muzzle grew to full length, filling out the rubber mask perfectly as it snapped out of his hands and tight around his head. He tried to grip the mask again, but the rubber could no longer be stretched. As his eyes grew larger and reached the eyes of the mask, the eye holes of the mask hollowed out, allowing his eyes to match up with them perfectly as his eyelids became coated in purple rubber. His eyes briefly showed brown on a rubber Spyro face, but they quickly brightened and changed color to purple, leaving his face completely transformed into Spyro's purple draconic visage. But still, his mouth was sealed shut tight by the rubber, other than the O-hole of the hollow cock gag at the end of his muzzle.

Jason was so far transformed now that the realization that there was no way to stop the process was setting in. But with how good the changes felt, and with how hard his cock was throbbing, was it really so bad? He shook his head again at that thought. He couldn't just give in. And he didn't enjoy this, did he? He couldn't!

Just then, the purple gem spurted out more liquid rubber that flowed around to Jason’s back. There was some rubber that hadn't quite solidified on the back of his shoulder blades and on his lower back above his ass. The new masses of rubber quickly attached to those areas and started to grow.

A purple and yellow rubber limb started to grow from the bottom of his spine with yellow scales along the bottom with purple scales on top. A line of slightly pointed yellow scales formed on top as well, and he quickly recognized it in the mirror as Spyro's tail growing above his ass.

Yellow rubber wings expanded from his shoulder blades as well, growing larger and larger as his new tail grew longer.

As these rubber limbs formed, an actual tail sprouted from Jason’s spine and started to fill out the rubber tail as it grew. Soon two real wings sprouted from his back and quickly filled out the rubber wings, growing larger as the rubber expanded with them. He realized he could move his growing wings and tail, the additions slowly making him less and less human. But he couldn't help but wonder, would he actually be able to fly when he was done changing?

As Jason contemplated what he'd be able to do with his new dragon body, he didn't notice what was happening on the floor beneath him. His Nintendo Switch was starting to glow, a yellow light shining out of it as the portal on the screen lit up. And as the Switch glowed, an octagon shaped figure lit up on the floor around Jason’s feet, shining up with the same glowing yellow light as the Switch.

As the strange shape glowed under Jason’s feet, the purple gem continued to coat his legs with liquid rubber. It sprayed the bottom half of his legs before it finally hit the floor, shooting the last few spurts of the purple goo before it stopped glowing. The gem seemed empty now, like it was hollow and made from purple tinged glass, instead of a solid purple gem like it had seemed to be before.

Meanwhile the purple rubber tightened around his legs as it solidified from his knees down, forcing the muscles to grow and swell just like it had done to the rest of his body. And as more purple scales spread down his legs under the rubber, the purple goo oozed into his sandals and covered his feet.

Jason’s feet grew bigger as his leg muscles bulged and swelled, and the two smallest toes on each foot fused together. As the rubber goo tightened around his feet, his toenails sharpened into white claws too. Soon he had four clawed toes on each foot, matching the four clawed fingers he now had on each hand. And as his feet grew, his sandals felt tighter and tighter until they finally burst apart like the rest of his clothes.

He was completely covered in purple and yellow rubber now. No human parts were left as the rubber tightened and solidified all around his newly changed dragon body. But his wings and tail hadn't quite fully formed yet.

Jason’s actual growing tail caught up with the extending rubber as it grew longer and longer. He flicked it back and forth experimentally as small yellow scales grew in a line along the top. And as his new tail finally grew to full length, the familiar pointed and ridged yellow tip formed at the end. His rubber covered yellow wings were finishing their growth too, and he couldn't help but flap them a few times as they grew to full size.

With his wings and tail now fully formed and the purple and yellow rubber completely solidified, his transformation was finally complete. And as he looked up and down his body in the mirror, Jason could see he looked exactly like Spyro. Or rather, a big, buff, rubber Spyro fucktoy, stuffed from both ends with hollow plugs to hold his mouth and ass open and pooltoy handles perfectly placed for someone to hold him in place while fucking one of his O-holes. And to top it all off, he had a big red throbbing dragon cock, still fully erect and just begging to be stroked.

Despite how hard his cock was throbbing, Jason tried again to get the purple rubber off of him. He ran his hands over his slick, shiny body, looking for a zipper or seam in the rubber, any way for him to get it off, but he found nothing. The now solid rubber was sealed tight around his body with no way to remove it.

"MMMMFFFF MMMNNFFF MMFFF!" he shouted around the cock gag, thinking, 'No no no there has to be a way! Please get it off me! Change me back! I don't want to be Spyro… or a rubber sex toy!'

Jason couldn't remove the hollow plugs from his mouth or ass either. He reached his fingers inside them again to try to pull them out, but they still wouldn't budge at all. The pooltoy handles wouldn't budge either. He grabbed the ones on his thighs and sides and attempted to pull them off, but they were stuck tight to his body. And no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get the rubber second skin to stretch any more than his own skin normally would. When he tried to pull the rubber on his arms or chest or face, all that resulted was the squeaking sound of rubber on rubber.

Eventually it became clear there was no way to remove any part of the rubber suit. And even if he could get it off somehow, he had no idea if he could change back from a dragon to a human. And with his cock still throbbing so hard, it was hard to think of any way to get out of this situation.

"Mmmnnnfffff…" Jason moaned, feeling defeated on top of being extremely horny. 'How is this even possible?' he thought, 'Is there any way to reverse this… and why does it feel so goooood?'

He didn't know what to do now, but he knew he needed to cum. That liquid rubber had teased and squeezed his cock to the edge of orgasm while it changed him into Spyro. All the teasing it had done to the rest of his body had gotten him super close to climaxing too. And to top it off, the rubber plug lodged in his ass against his prostate was making him want to cum even more.

Just as Jason was about to reach down and stroke his shaft, he finally took notice of the glowing shape around his feet. It had started glowing dimly before, but he was too busy watching the liquid rubber change him into a Spyro fucktoy to pay too much attention to it. Now though, it was starting to glow brighter, and he figured he should be concerned.

He stepped outside of the glowing symbol on the floor, not wanting to wait and see what happened if he stood in the middle of it. But suddenly, he felt an invisible force pulling him back into the octagon. He tried to pull away from it, but he was dragged back towards the glowing pattern and suddenly pulled upwards into the air! As he floated up into the air above the symbol, he spread his arms and legs and wings in surprise, looking down as it kept glowing brighter and brighter, along with his Nintendo Switch.

"Mmmff mmnnggffff?" Jason mumbled, thinking, 'What now? I've already been turned into a rubber Spyro… toy… what else is this thing gonna do to me?'

And almost as if answering the question in his mind, a column of light flashed up around him from the glowing octagon, enveloping him completely and transporting him out of his apartment.

Jason looked around in surprise, but for a few moments, all he could see was the bright light around him. Then the column of light slowly began to fade as a new location came into view. As he was lowered back down to the ground, he realized he wasn't in his apartment anymore. He had been transported to a field outside a castle. The castle towered above him, and there was a pond, some stony paths, and a few trees scattered around. There were even a few sheep grazing on the grass nearby as well. As he looked around, he suddenly realized this place looked exactly like one of the hub worlds in the Spyro games!

"Hmmmnfff!?" Jason exclaimed, the hollow cock gag still lodged in his muzzle so he couldn't speak properly. 'Am I inside the game?' he thought. 'I can't be… it looks way too real! Is this like… a real version of the Spyro games? Or are the games somehow based off this place? What the hell is going on here?'

Jason was so surprised about being transported into what looked like the dragons' homeworld from the games that he almost forgot about being turned into a rubber Spyro toy. But the pleasure coming from his throbbing cock and the hollow dildo pressing against his prostate was too much to ignore. He moaned a little as he looked down, seeing that he was standing on a stone platform with the same pattern that had been glowing beneath him. He wondered if it was some kind of teleportation platform. The empty purple gem was on the ground next to him too, but his Nintendo Switch and the shreds of his destroyed clothes were gone, like they had been left behind.

'Wait, if my Switch is still back at my apartment, can I get back home?' Jason wondered. 'Are there… other dragons here that I can ask for help? Except I can't ask for help with this rubber cock in my mouth… Maybe I could get some help if I found a dragon and offered to pleasure him in exchange… I could take his cock in my mouth… or in my ass… or maybe I could find two dragons to stuff me from both ends… that would be so… wait no… gotta stop thinking about that… why am I so horny right now… fuck!'

Jason moaned as his cock throbbed again. He needed to figure out what to do, but he couldn't think straight when he was this horny! It wasn't his fault the rubber suit had gotten him so close to cumming as it changed him into Spyro, but he still needed to cum badly. Maybe after he came and could focus properly, he could actually get some help with his situation. So first he'd just have to take care of this erection…

With that, he finally reached down and began to stroke his big red rubber dragon cock. He just couldn't hold back anymore. He was too pent up. And as he began stroking his throbbing shaft, he realized how sensitive it was. He moaned loudly at the pleasure he was feeling. His cock was much more sensitive than it was before, like the transformation had changed more than just the shape of his shaft. The pleasure had to be ten times more intense than it had been when he was a human. He'd never felt anything like it.

Jason moaned as he stroked his rubber cock faster, the squeaking sound of his rubber hand rubbing against his rubber shaft intensifying. He had already gotten close to cumming from the transformation and all the teasing that the liquid rubber had done, and now he could feel himself getting closer and closer to his climax. And as he got closer, his cock began to leak more and more precum, the clear sticky substance dripping down his shaft. The pleasure was building as he tugged on his draconic cock harder, and for the moment he didn't care that he was a rubber dragon fucktoy.

As he stroked and tugged his shaft, he reached up with his free hand to rub his muscular, yellow, rubber chest. Even though he had been changed against his will, he had to appreciate the new big muscles he had gained. They were very sexy and powerfully arousing, and he was getting even more turned on as he rubbed his huge pecs and perfectly defined abs. 

Lost in the extreme pleasure from his cock and the exploration of his new buff rubber body, Jason let his mind wander to thoughts of a big muscular dragon fucking him from behind while he stroked himself, the other dragon gripping Jason’s thigh handles tight and stuffing his ass with a big knotted dragon cock. Entranced by the fantasy, Jason subconsciously curved his tail up so the tip rubbed between his ass cheeks. He rubbed it back and forth a few times, teasing his rear hole before he realized what he was doing. And once he realized it, he had an idea.

With the way the ridged tip of his tail was shaped, Jason figured it would feel pretty good in his ass. He could probably fuck himself with his own tail if he wanted to. And at this point, he really wanted his ass stuffed! Without any hesitation, he lined the tip of his tail up with his ass hole, and shoved it in. His tail slid into his ass with barely any resistance, stretching out the hollow anal plug already inside him and filling him even more. It seemed the hollow dildo really did make it easier to fuck his tailhole.

Jason moaned as he shoved the tip of his tail deeper into his ass, pressing the anal plug up against his prostate even more. He couldn’t believe how amazing it felt just having his tail up his ass. It seemed his cock wasn’t the only thing that the transformative rubber had made more sensitive. His prostate seemed to be at least ten times more sensitive too, and as he started to thrust his tail into his O-shaped ass hole, waves of pleasure shot through his body. And as he tailfucked himself, the plug in his ass started to produce clear, slick fluid, lubing up his rear O-hole as he pushed his tail in and out faster and faster. It seemed his O-holes were self lubricating, making them even easier to be fucked.

Jason’s legs trembled as the pleasure built more and more. It was so intense now, he couldn’t focus on anything else. He moaned loudly as he stroked his rubber dragon cock furiously, feeling his climax getting closer and closer. And when the pleasure couldn’t possibly increase any more, his body tensed up and he finally blew his load.

He shot rope after rope of warm cum from his throbbing shaft, spraying his seed like a faucet, but it wasn’t the normal white color. The cum shooting from his red shaft was a light purple color, and it seemed thicker than usual too. That didn’t stop him from stroking his cock as he came though. The orgasm just felt too amazing, and it just kept going and going. It was the longest and most intense climax he’d ever had. And as his light purple cum splattered on the ground, it started to move on its own.

Some of the cum oozed over to the empty gem and seeped inside of it, slowly changing color to darker purple as the gem was filled up again. The rest of the puddle started to form together into three solid shapes. Soon it became clear the purple cum was forming into three new gems, just like the one that had transformed Jason into a Spyro fucktoy. And just when he thought the pleasure would never end, his orgasm finally slowed and died down, the last few spurts of purple cum spraying from his cock. As his climax finally ended and he slid his tail out of his ass, the rest of his cum filled up the gem and formed into three new purple gems, changing color to the same darker purple shade as the first one.

When Jason finally recovered from the intense release, he reached down and picked up one of the new gems. It looked identical to the one that had transformed him, and the original was filled up again too.

‘Wait,’ he thought, ‘did I just cum liquid rubber… that same kind of rubber that changed me? And does that mean the rubber that changed me came from another rubber dragon’s cock!?’ He blushed hard at the thought. That couldn’t be possible. But he couldn’t deny the first gem was full again, just like it was before it sprayed him with rubber, and the new gems his cum had created looked exactly like it.

What’s more, even after that very long orgasm, Jason’s shaft still hadn’t softened completely. Maybe it would take more than one climax to completely empty his new big dragon balls. It still felt like he couldn’t quite think straight. He was just too horny. He couldn’t stop thinking about how good it felt to cum like this, and how good it felt fucking himself with his own tail. He reached down and grabbed his cock again, thinking he’d jerk off just once more, or twice, or however many times it took to take care of this raging erection. Then maybe he could figure out what to do next after he’d emptied his balls.



Before Jason got the chance to stroke his cock again, a large shadow suddenly passed over him. He looked up in surprise, thinking it was a bird at first, but he quickly realized it was much bigger. In fact, it was a large dragon that had flown overhead, and it was quickly descending right towards him. He stumbled back as the other dragon reached the ground, flapping its wings and hovering a few feet in the air for a moment before landing with a thud.

Now that Jason could get a better look at him, he realized the other dragon was male too. This was about a foot taller than Jason and was looking down at him with a sly grin. This other dragon’s body shape was similar to Jason’s new dragon body, big and muscular, but he wasn’t covered in rubber. He didn’t have any pooltoy handles or an O-shaped hole for a mouth either.

His scales were black and red, black on most of his body, but he had a red chest, red undertail, red and black wings, and large red horns. And he wasn’t wearing much. He had a belt around his waist with two pouches on his hip, but it didn’t do anything to cover his crotch. Jason could see the other dragon had big red balls and a sheath that must have been currently concealing his cock.

Before Jason could react to meeting another real-life dragon, the black and red dragon laughed and started to speak. “Well, well, it looks like my latest victim has arrived! And you’ve been testing out your new body, haven’t you?” he asked with a knowing smile. Jason blushed as he looked up at him. Had he seen him jerking off? And what did he mean victim… did this dragon have something to do with what happened to him?

The other dragon could see the embarrassment in Jason’s eyes, and he laughed again before saying, “Oh don’t feel bad! No one could resist after what that rubber does to you. Of course, I saw the flash of light when you arrived and headed right over, but you were already playing with yourself before I got here. That’s not surprising, but you made good use of your tail too! Don’t see that every day, but not the first time I’ve seen it either.”

Jason blushed even harder as he realized the other dragon had seen everything. “Ooommffff mmmnn…” Jason started to respond, but then he remembered he had a cock gag shoved in his mouth, sealing his muzzle shut so he couldn’t speak. He wanted to explain himself, but he also wanted to ask what was going on. Whoever he was, this dragon seemed to know, but Jason couldn’t ask him with the dildo stuffed in his muzzle!

"You know, you look kind of familiar actually. Have I seen you before?" the bigger dragon asked and squinted at Jason a little. Then he grinned as his eyes widened again. “Oh I know, you look just like Spyro! Now that I haven't seen before. I mean, we've gotten plenty of purple dragons, but you could almost be his twin! He's one of the other dragons who lives here, which I'm sure you know considering how you got here."

Jason looked on in confusion as the non-rubber covered dragon continued, "Yes, those games from your world are named after Spyro. Whoever had the idea for the games must have come into contact with this world at some point, considering they're based on this place, and they must have met Spyro too. Regardless, it's lucky for me they exist because they make it so much easier to connect to your world, making all this possible!"

The other dragon paused for a moment and smiled at Jason again, almost like he was waiting for a response. Of course, Jason couldn't respond with words, but just before he could make a sound, the larger dragon spoke again. "Oh but I'm sure you don't really care about that. I bet you want to know what happened to you, and why you're a rubber fucktoy now, don't you ‘Spyro’?"

"Mmnnffff…" was all Jason could say, blushing hard again as the other dragon looked him up and down.

"Well, you have me to thank for that!" the black and red dragon proclaimed. "The name's Zephnyr, by the way. I created the first of these gems, and the rubber that changed you,” he explained as he picked up one of the purple gems on the ground. “You see, I have a particular fascination with rubber and transformation, and I’d been experimenting with this substance for a long time. It took me ages, but I was finally able to create the perfect type of liquid rubber to suit my needs. It can be stored in these gems that look just like the treasure we have here. Of course, I didn’t only make purple ones. I created my liquid rubber in every color, so I could make any color of toy I like. And when it’s activated, in this case by a modified version of those video games in your world, it will be released and attach to the nearest compatible victim, covering their body completely and transforming them into a rubber dragon fucktoy! Just like you…”

“Mmnn oommnn nnfff nn oommnnfff!” Jason mumbled, trying to say, “But I’m not a fucktoy!” Of course, it came out unintelligible due to the fact that his mouth was stuffed with a rubber cock.

Zephnyr just chuckled and slid the gem into one of the pouches on his belt. “What was that?” he asked. “Sorry I couldn’t quite understand you. Anyway, I suppose I should finish explaining your situation. That rubber suit is pretty useful. Not only does it make you the perfect fucktoy, but it will keep you clean inside and out. And you’re not just trapped in a dragon suit either. I’m sure you felt it when you were transformed, but you’re a dragon under all that rubber now too!

Even if you do manage to get that suit off, you’ll still be a dragon. There is another dragon around here though, Cosmos, a big green guy. He knows a spell that will disguise you as your former human self temporarily, but you'll always change back into your new dragon form after a while. My spell is just too strong to be countered, and of course his spell won't work at all as long as you're still trapped in that rubber suit."

"And I’m sure you noticed this too," Zephnyr continued with a smug grin, "but whenever you cum, you’ll produce more of the same liquid rubber that made you a rubber toy. And as long as you’re not cumming inside someone, it will conveniently form into brand new gems full of transformative rubber, ready to change the next unsuspecting victims into fucktoys like you. That’s where the gem that changed you came from, if you hadn’t figured that out yet.”

“Mmmnnffff…” Jason wasn’t even trying to say anything at this point, he was just moaning in embarrassment. He had already figured that was where the gem came from, but hearing it confirmed just made him blush hard under the purple rubber on his face. And for some reason it made his cock twitch and throb again too. That couldn’t be turning him on, could it? Also, if what this dragon said was true, he’d be stuck as a dragon forever! Even if he could temporarily be human, he couldn’t be okay with this, could he? But for some reason, he was still so horny. He just couldn’t keep his cock from throbbing!

Zephnyr smiled as he stepped up closer to Jason, saying, “You know, the rubber doesn’t just change the shape of your body. It makes certain parts of you much more sensitive, which makes the sex feel so good, it’s irresistible. And it gets in your head too, making you more agreeable to being a good rubber toy. It doesn’t change your personality or who you are of course. It simply changes your sexual proclivities and increases your libido just enough to make you love your new body, and love being used like a toy… if you don’t love it already just from the irresistible pleasure, that is.”

Jason took a step back as he looked up at Zephnyr. That had to be why he was so horny even after being changed into a rubber dragon toy. He shouldn’t be horny right now; he didn’t want to be a fucktoy. It was the rubber messing with his head! That had to be why he couldn’t stop imagining how good it would be to have a big dragon man fuck his tailhole. And why his cock was still so hard, and he needed to cum again so bad. And why this large black and red dragon looked so sexy. Or was that just because he had such nice muscles, big red pecs and perfect six pack abs. And big strong arms and a huge red dragon cock… That’s when Jason noticed Zephnyr’s cock had slid out of his sheath and was throbbing just like his own. It was even bigger than Jason’s, with a big bulging knot at the base. And it looked to Jason like it would feel amazing inside his ass…

Jason realized he was staring at Zephnyr’s shaft and quickly looked up at his face, only to see Zephnyr grinning back at him, like he definitely noticed where Jason’s eyes had been focused. “To be honest, with how eagerly you stuffed your ass with your own tail, I think you liked this without even needing the rubber to get to your head,” Zephnyr said as he leaned closer to Jason. “That’s good because I can’t wait to have fun with you, little toy."

With that, Zephnyr pressed his cock against Jason’s making both their shafts throb as he reached around and squeezed Jason’s ass. Jason reached up and rubbed Zephnyr’s chest, pressing back against him as he rubbed his pecs and abs. Jason couldn't help it, this big dragon was just too hot! And Jason wanted Zephnyr inside him so bad. Was it the rubber suit making him feel like this? Did he really care at this point?

“That’s a good toy,” Zephnyr said as he squeezed Jason’s rubber ass cheeks, making that now familiar rubber squeaking sound as he did. “I knew you’d get into your new role, my toys always do. The other dragons here don’t approve of my experiments, but they’ll be happy to play with you too, if you’re willing. Only after I’ve thoroughly tested out my new Spyro fucktoy of course. And you seem to love it already. That’s lucky for you because I once had a newly converted toy who just didn’t want to cooperate at first. Mike was his name, formerly a human like you, but he had become a very nice-looking blue dragon. But after being transformed by the rubber, he refused to play with me or any of the other dragons. He wouldn’t even pleasure himself! Apparently, he thought if he didn’t cum, the suit would release him sooner.”

Zephnyr chuckled as he rubbed his cock against Jason’s, making Jason moan. “Well just the opposite happened. After about a month of this, I guess the rubber got tired of waiting for him to cum and put his fuckholes to good use. So the rubber suit began to move on its own and forced his tail into his ass, and it formed a rubber tube from his cock to his mouth hole. Then it made him tailfuck himself like you did earlier, and forced him to cum into his own muzzle, over and over and over. And as he drank more and more of his own rubbery cum, the rubber suit slowly fused with him and his entire body was converted into solid rubber, inside and out, permanently changing him into a living rubber dragon! It formed more pooltoy handles down his tail too. And once he was fully converted into a living rubber fucktoy, the tube between his cock and mouth hole retracted, and he was able to pull his tail out of his ass. His mouth and ass were still O-shaped holes, but the rubber dildos that had been stuffed inside had become part of him, and the tip of his tail had been converted into a ribbed dildo. So he’s even more of a fucktoy now!”

Jason’s eyes widened as Zephnyr told this story, and he finished off with, “He’s been fucking like a good toy ever since, hoping that will let him change back eventually, but it hasn’t worked yet. You know, you should play with him sometime. The end of your tail kind of looks like a sex toy too. You certainly used it like one already, but it could always be improved, haha!”

“Ooommfff mmmffff mmnnnn nnnnggffff!” Jason pulled away from Zephnyr a little and protested through the dildo in his mouth. He didn’t want to be converted into a living rubber dragon! If this suit could do that to him, he had to get it off! There had to be a way. He reached up and tugged on the rubber surrounding his muzzle, but it still had no effect. He couldn’t even stretch it, but Zephnyr had to know how to get it off!

Zephnyr saw Jason struggling with the rubber mask, and he pulled Jason back against him, grinning as he said, “Oh you want the suit off? Relax, you don’t have to worry. I’m sure that won’t happen to you. As long as you cum regularly like a good toy, you should be just fine. Besides, I can’t remove the suit even if I wanted to! That’s the one thing I just can’t get right with this magic rubber. I can’t make it release my new toys when I want it to. It’s like the suit somehow decides when it wants to release its wearer. But hey, a couple of my newly changed dragons were able to remove their rubber suits after only six months! And a few of them were able to take off their suits after a year or two or three and so on. However, a lot of them are still stuck in fucktoy suits after many years. I’m pretty sure it’s permanent for them.”

The big black and red dragon chuckled and rubbed his hands up and down Jason’s rubber back, saying, “I don’t really know how the rubber suits decide when to release their wearer, but sometimes I get a sense of how long you new dragons will be trapped in them... and from you, I'm getting a 'permanently stuck as a rubber fucktoy' vibe, stuffed from both ends and encased in tight rubber forever! But I bet you don’t mind. You love it, don’t you, toy?”

“MMMFFF HHMMMMNNNFFF!” Jason yelled through the rubber dildo in his mouth. ‘I can’t be stuck like this forever,’ he thought, ‘I can’t be! Even though it feels so good… I don’t want to be a fucktoy permanently! And even if it’s not permanent, it would be at least six months!? But… if it feels this good, maybe it won’t be so bad… and this dragon is so sexy… having him and other dragons fuck my O-holes every day would be amazing… wait… I have to stop being so horny… can’t think when he’s touching me like this… it just feels too good…’

Zephnyr laughed at Jason’s muffled noises. “You know I can’t understand you with your mouth full, right?” he said as he stuck a finger in Jason’s mouth hole. “But relax, I’m just joking about you being stuck like this permanently… or am I?” Zephnyr smiled as he reached down with his other hand and squeezed their cocks together, making Jason moan as his cock throbbed against Zephnyr’s. It was just too much. Jason needed the larger dragon inside him. He needed to take his cock… like a good… fucktoy. Jason couldn’t help pressing up against Zephnyr again as he teased their shafts, feeling his big red muscles as his cock started to leak again.

“Who knows?” Zephnyr said, “Maybe you’ll get out of that suit in a year or so. But that’s quite enough talk. I’ve waited long enough. Time to test out my new fucktoy!” With that, Zephnyr moved around behind Jason, grabbing the pooltoy handles on his hips and lining up his cock with Jason’s O-shaped tailhole.

“Mmmm your ass looks great, and I bet it feels even better… Now, just to make sure you’re comfortable,” the bigger dragon said with that sly grin of his, “if you don't want me to pound your ass like the rubber fucktoy you are, say anything other than 'Mmmnnnffff'"

At this point, Jason needed it too bad. He didn’t care how long he’d be stuck like this at the moment. He just blushed hard under the purple rubber and moaned out “Mmmmnnfff…”

“That’s a good toy…” Zephnyr said with a grin, and pushed his big red cock into Jason’s ass.


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