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Noden was a brave and adventurous hero who loved to explore new places and fight evil villains. His special suit gave him superpowers, such as super strength, speed, and flight.  One day, Noden received a distress call from a remote island. It was from a scientist named Dr. Zane, who claimed that he had been kidnapped by a mysterious enemy and needed help. Noden decided to go to the island and rescue Dr. Zane, thinking that it would be an easy mission.

He flew to the island and landed near a large laboratory. He saw a sign that said "Welcome, Noden. I've been expecting you." He thought it was strange, but he ignored it and entered the lab. He searched for Dr. Zane, but he couldn't find him anywhere. He only saw strange machines and devices, some of which looked like huge size rubber animal toys.

Suddenly, he heard a voice over the loudspeaker. It was Dr. Zane, but he sounded evil and sinister.

"Hello, Noden. I'm glad you came. You see, I lied to you. I'm not the one who needs help. You are."

Noden was shocked and confused. He asked, "What do you mean? Who are you? What do you want from me?"

Dr. Zane laughed maniacally and said, "I am the greatest rubber toy maker in the world. And you are my latest masterpiece. I've been studying you for a long time, Noden. I've watched your every move, analyzed your powers, and copied your suit. I've created a special goo that can turn you into a rubber lion toy, a lovely one."

Noden was furious and said, "You're crazy! You can't do this to me! I'm not a toy! I'm a hero!"

Dr. Zane said, "Oh, but you are a toy, Noden. A very special toy. A toy that every man would love to have."

He pressed a button and activated his device. A ball of goo shot out from the ceiling, hitting Noden in the chest. Noden felt a surge of pain and felt his body freezing.

He screamed in agony and said, "No! Stop! Please!"

Noden felt helpless and terrified. He couldn't tear off the suit or use his powers.

He thought to himself, "This can't be happening! This can't be real! Someone, please help me!"

Dr. Zane smiled wickedly and said, "Perfect! You look amazing, Noden! You're my best creation yet!"

Dr. Zane looked at Noden and saw that he had become a rubber lion toy big with a big mane and struggling with his useless mitten.

Dr. Zane said, "Don't worry, Noden. You'll be fine. You'll have a new life as a rubber toy. You'll be loved by millions of males around the world. You'll be happy to serve me permanently."



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