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Here's a post I was hoping I'd never have to make. Turns out I was coming down with something on Sunday after all. 

My mom got tested at work last night, and she came back positive for the virus. Just a few minutes ago, my home kit test results came back and I'm positive, too. 

At the moment, I don't feel too horrendous. My main symptoms have been congestion and a cough. Today, my sense of smell also seems dulled. 

Hopefully it won't get too bad for either of us, but it's impossible to say much else at this point, and we'll have to wait it out. 

As you can imagine, this may affect my output, but I'm hoping that won't be the case. I'm pretty scared for both my mom and myself and other family members we've been in contact with, but I'm trying to remain as optimistic as I can. 


Haruka Junko

Take your time and drink lots of fluids! Soup and lots of Garlic are also good.

Joseph Wright

Don't push yourself, take some time off if needed

Drew Cornog

Wow, that is unexpected. But, I say the lack of content is a minor sacrifice to ensure your safety and health. Sending you and your family positive vibes.


The health of both your mom and you are what’s most important right now.

Jill Sammich

Keep optimistic. My mother got COVID while being immunocompromised during chemotherapy and she trained through it. I'm sure you and your mom are strong as well.


I hope you recover quickly from this but also take as long as you need to recover!


I’ve heard zinc can help will loss of taste and/or smell. Vitamin C too can help. Take care and don’t worry about output! Worry about yourself and your mom first.