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Well, I don't know what time it is where most of you are, but it's pretty early in the morning for me and I'm feeling pretty miserable. 

Not to get too TMI, but I woke up vomiting and unable to keep anything down for several hours. As it stands, I'm barely managing to keep down Gatorade. I'll have family helping me out and watching me in a few hours, but I wanted to give you all a heads-up in case I'm MIA for a day or two, if a hospital visit becomes necessary.

For some of you who were here last year and were up to speed on my medical updates, I think it might be something involving my stomach after I had it looked at in April. 

Sorry if this is disjointed, rambly, or entirely unnecessary, but I'm slightly delirious right now.


Haruka Junko

All good, rest up and take care


Don't stress if you need to take a break, hope you feel better soon


Wishing you all the best! Take whatever time you need to feel better.


You are absolutely fine. Your health comes first. I’m wishing you the best. Please take care of yourself.