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Hey, everyone. As always, I hope this message finds you well. It's time for the monthly drawing and edit suggestions!

Below, leave a comment letting me know who you'd like to see drawn, as well as which existing drawing you'd like to see edited for a chance to see them done! 

Deadline is September 22nd!

Good luck, everyone!



Tannis from the borderlands series?

Senso Wrath

Cynthia from the Pokémon series for the drawing, and Vicky for the edit.

Jet Cristerna

Rayla from the Dragon Prince for the new pic and Marnie for the edit please


For the monthly drawing, Min-Min from ARMS. For the edit, that Spider-Verse Doc Ock drawing


For the edit, Vicky, and for the drawing, fat She Hulk (She-Bulk)!


For the drawing, I'd love to see Lady Love Dies from Paradise Killer. She's already reasonably thicc, and she once spent three million days in a relatively luxurious exile with nothing to do but relax. https://e-radio.us/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/paradisethumb-1587569873060-jpg.jpg For the edit, I'd love to see more of June from AtlA.


Drawing I have something more niche, There is a character named Sally from a game called Tangle Tower, I really like her hair style and would find it interesting to be drawn in your style. As for the edit I would like Himiko Toga.