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Thank you all. I can't say it enough. You got me through a tough time in my life. You supported me. You helped my family, even if you didn't know it. You've given me so much. 

I get it. I'm a fetish artist. I'm not supposed to be so "invested". I'm not creating "high art". I'm still far from where I want to be as an artist, for that matter. But it doesn't make what I'm about to say any easier.

I'm not happy anymore. This passion is fading out. I'm losing my drive to improve art in this vein, and I can't keep doing this to myself. My mental health is in the toilet. My confidence is at an all-time low. I need to change. I need a new outlet for my art. 

The plan was to do passion projects starting in August, but I'll no longer be active. I will no longer use this Patreon or post on DeviantArt. I don't know for how long. Forever, maybe. 

I still have a poll drawing, an edit, and a tier reward to finish. I WILL FINISH ALL REMAINING UNFINISHED WORK. But once my work is complete, my hope is to go a different direction. I'll be making a similar announcement on DeviantArt.

I don't want to be dogmatic and say I never could come back. I don't want to say I'll be gone forever. But it will be goodbye for a while.

Thank you all again for everything. 


Henry Lampkins

Toadette with a full belly


I hope you eventually get where ya want to be in regards to everything Cookies, it's been an absolute pleasure being a patron of yours.

Carl R Hall

Even though it sucks that you are leaving, we understand and absolutely appreciate everything you've done. I hope you find your passion again, but if not I still hope you enjoy your life whether in or out of the community. Thank you!


I may have only been part of your Patreon for a relatively short time, but I genuinely appreciate everything you've done, and I likewise hope the others feel the same. Thank you for all the awesome work you've made, and I hope life and future endeavors go well for you as well


I have nothing to say that hasn't been already said far more tenderly and eloquent above, but know that I agree with everyone 100 percent. I'll be sad not to see your art so frequently anymore, but it's more important that you do whatever makes you happy in the long run. Thanks for all the great art, and best of life to you. ^_^

Roberticus M

I started supporting on a whim and was continually impressed with how awesome things kept progressing. You've done a lot of art that was really amazing, so much so that I recommended this patreon to others. I was glad to find you, am sad to lose you and wish you the best of luck going forward. I hope it goes without saying I look forward to a comeback at some point if you do.


It is always a crying shame to see such a fantastic artist go, but if it’s what you need to do then it’s what you need to do. I hope you are able to find the happiness you need in your life