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I doubt anyone's noticed, but some of you may have noticed a drop in my prolificacy. The reason for this is pretty straightforward: A lot of private commissions. I've actually been drawing now more than I ever have. Which isn't a complaint, but perhaps an explanation as to why I don't post quite as frequently right now. What does this mean for the future? Probably not much. I still plan to keep up with my obligations and get pieces posted to DA. Just not as frequently as some of you may have been used to. Thank you!



that is fine, but could you at least put them on patreon so the people supporting you could see them because whats the point of supporting you if we cant see a lot of your work.


I understand what you mean. Unfortunately, a good deal of people requesting commissions want them kept private. I'm not allowed to share a lot of them. When I'm allowed to, I can and do. Plenty of work still gets posted both here and to DA. But I encourage both you and anyone else to do whatever you feel is right when it comes to supporting me. I never want anyone to feel ripped off.


i dont feel ripped off and i get you have to respect your commissioners requests, but all i am saying is that i would support you more if you posted more


It's completely fair to feel that way. My hope is that the more the Patreon grows, the less I'll have to rely on commissions. Until then, I'm kind of locked in place.


Glad to hear you've been keeping up with the art! What you have been posting has been solid.