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This is a rough Map of 'the Continent'. For now, I am going to leave this as a Patreon exclusive. I might add smaller maps at a later point, displaying the various regions in more detail. 

However, for now, you can trace Zeke's journey over the past books. Right now, he is in the northeast of Korrovan. 



Frank Armand

IS there only "one" continent?


Technically, no. The Chimeroi aren't from any of those countries. They live in a place called 'the Wilds', which is beyond the Deadlands.

Shane Kelly

It feels weird for irroch to border korrovan, I mean like the ancient untamed forest bordering a desert


“Why is the lake near your hometown seemingly inexhaustible even though no river leads to it? Why is there a desert in Korrovan, even though the country is surrounded by verdant greenery?” Zeke considered the questions seriously. “Isn’t that just how nature works?” The Dragon shook his head. “Do you really think so? The Great Forest of the Elves in the west borders what your people call the Deadlands. Do you think it is natural to have a place filled with life next to a barren wasteland where nothing can grow?”

bob barker

I don't see any images, despite turning my ad blocker off