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So, I have used this system for naming chapters of the same arc as: I, II, III, IV... 

It was originally meant to show that certain chapters are connected, but I find the system to be somewhat silly now. 

What do you guys think?



Difficult question. For a serial publication I prefer numerals. If you intend to male a book out of it, I woulf prefer the "Finals" arc to be one chapter with proper headings. Have you thought to ask for chatgpts input on that?


Hmm, I don't think that is an option. The Finals arc is already around 20 chapters long and is sure to take up another 10. Thats around 60k words in total... The first harry potter book is only slightly longer than this arc O_O'


Personally I'm happy with either. If it's writen with the intent of actually being published as a book then individual chapter names make sense. But when writen and posted like it is here, the numerals makes more sense to me.