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Hey there, I thought I'd give you guys an update. Yes, I am still alive! Let me explain. The reason the current chapter is dragging so much is twofold:

First, I had a ton of extra work this week and couldn't spend as much time writing as I would have liked.

Second, and much more importantly, I've struggled to write the last few chapters while trying to tie up all the loose ends. I've made a few spur-of-the-moment changes to the plot while writing this volume, and now I am trying to figure out a way to tie it all together. For example, the fight against Jaihar wasn't supposed to be the book's finale and I had originally planned for his family to still be alive at this point.

Therefore, I've been trying to make the fight as epic as possible, but I've been struggling. As it turns out, it is kind of hard to write a compelling fight scene with an MC strapped to his mount and unable to see (due to the wind pressure).

Over the last few days, I've discarded several (around four) versions of the fight. I feel like I've been writing more than ever, but my efforts unfortunately didn't result in an equivalent amount of chapters ;__;

Despite everything, I hope you'll appreciate how the chapter will eventually turn out and I'm truly sorry for the delay.



I suppose we all should believe in our author and his plans for the book. If he finds this fight important, he should write it the way he sees it. It's Elara's work - something we verily like. It's better spend more time on writting something incredible than creating something average in a short time.

Hans Leeuw

Though true, I often see authors struggling with action scenes that then cause delays in their output; while for me as a reader it is the tension building up to that moment of release, where the quality in story telling lies.

Eidetic Eidolon

Just my opinion, but fight scenes are the least important thing in a book. Honestly, just the shorter the fight scene, the better. It's hard to believe a supposedly awesome main character is truly awesome when they are constantly engaging in multi chapter fights. The bigger the badass, the quicker the finish...or at least that's what I tell my girlfriend...no, but really.