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Hey all! 

Apologies for this month, with internet issues- the heat wave and things like that I've been unable to keep up with the schedule.

I just started preparing the one drive before realising that there's a lot of catchup to do.

I don't want to rush these pictures, I also don't want to burn out by doubling my workload. So, September will just be focusing on finishing the pictures promised in August.

Since September is going to be the pictures promised in August...

I've paused September payments

For anyone that subscribed in August, you will not be charged again in September and will retain your membership. If you have cancelled your membership should last until October first.

So- next month will essentially be focusing on finishing the August pictures.

Sorry for this, but I hope the free month makes up for the lack of updates! Thank you all for the support, it's awesome to see how much we've grown lately ^_^


Jean Symon

No problem shit happens lmao life like to fuck you up at every corner i deal with this on a daily basis


Aww I was gonna put a take my money gif because you rock


Sorry to hear! Shiz does happen ^_^' It's why I really need to get a back log of submissions