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Update on this months content

Hey all! Thought I would check in now that we are at the end of the month!

As is tradition, I'm still a little behind on drawings- but should have them finished before month end- with plans to finish the Raid boss alt today and MHA tomorrow/ the following day.

MHA will be available for free on Twitter on the day of completion!

Excuses for missing deadlines O_O

Soooo- deadlines, why am I missing them?

I did some math and realised I haven't actually left myself any time for 'This comic will take slightly longer' or 'I'm sick today' or- you know- that kinda stuff. Essentially, I'd need to follow my schedule strictly.

Four days a week are spent on drawings, with one day on admin. That's 17 days drawing with plans to get at least one picture ahead of my deadlines this month. That was the plan.

However, if each comic takes on average two days and alts take on average one day. Then 7 comics and 3 alts make 17 exactly... Dragalia took 4 days and art block hit for Resize which took 3 days so...

That's where I'm going a little wrong ^_^ I'm kinda greedy though- I like the amount of content I put out and I'm not too willing to decrease the amount. I do want to do perhaps one less alt, but I'll leave it up to the general votes.

Plans going forward!

Plan 1 : Sticking to seven comics and two alts, drawing 5 days a week instead of 4 and doing admin days on Saturdays. The admin days aren't usually too hectic so this should be doable- I am rather good at being lazy and struggle a tiiiiny bit with focus.

This one will probably scratch my creative itch, but it'll likely mean more deadlines getting missed/ less time to plan for other things in the long run like a game.

Plan 2 : Reduce the amount of comics by one. 6 comics, 2 alts. It's a little easier, four comics will be a mix of Resize and Monster Musume, three comics will be commission. MHA will likely be put on hold for the moment while I finish some commissions that I have promised.

Should be a little easier to start  hitting deadlines if I'm ontop of things- and I might be able to build something interesting up in the long run.

Plan 3 : Reduce the amount of comics by two. Add two simpler pictures. 5 comics, 2 simple pictures and 2 alt pictures. I would likely remove a page from Resize and Monster Musume, replacing them with simpler pictures. It'll still be behind Tiny Tier- pictures will either be stand alone or will continue into the next month- but won't be long running. Still following a comic format, but likely having only having a few panels.

Won't reduce the amount of content, should be an interesting experiment and would allow for more in season anime's to get some attention/ we can have votes and such for each page. However, it would mean Resize and Monster Musume will take longer to develop.

Plan 4 : Shake your fist at Teniko and demand they draw even more comics  or face the whip. You're also convinced you can do a cool backflip and  offer to show the poor porn artist if they include your OC.

This one... uh... what? Wait, you can do a backflip? That's cool! Ah, shit... this ones a meme isn't it? I hope I allowed for multiple options.


Added some extra options at the bottom as a quick check to see how things are going ^_^ It's multiple choice



Small note- the vote is shared with Subscribestar so the end result might be a little different ^_^ Just going to straight up add the two together