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Hey all! I'm back and probably more on track then ever! Thanks to everyones support, I've managed to free up more time to keep on track of all this jazz :)

A few answers to questions I think might get asked :
Q. Where's 18s panties?
A. I kinda hit a blank after a few pages, Tornado's training has been playing around in my head for a while.

Q. What is Tornados training?
A. Object TF, Tornado from One Punch man 'finds' a durable piece of string. When bored at meetings, she practices her telequinesis on it for practice, threading it between her toes and tieing it up like a toe ring.

Q. Animation?
A. I'm paying for some software ^_^' Haven't been using it lately... so, planning on taking some animation courses. Hopefully I can make something decent and not super sketchy!

Q. Patreon is getting pretty hard to navigate... not a question, just a complaint
A. It does feel like it's designed for just a few posts... I'll be going through the tags later and trying to clean things up. Planning on just having 'Giantess or Object TF' and 'What body part?'

Q. Supporter/Free? Which one is it?
A. There are some things I can't make public on Patreon, they'll be free elsewhere but you'll need to put in the minimum amount as age verification if you want to view them on Patreon.




Let me know if you have any questions and such! Should be a fun month ^_^


Great to see more Zero Two and that you're ok. However make sure to give yourself time too, your important.