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Hello all!

So, think its time for a payment pause! This month my work place kept ringing me on my days off to work, next month I'm going to weddings, birthdays, visiting family etc so I won't have too much time to work on things.

Think I also need a little bit of a break :)

What is a payment pause? With patreon, it means it shouldn't charge you for the next month- next month shall be free for those that signed up this month :) I'll return August, things should be sorted by then-!

Also, personally- thank you all ^_^ Your support has honestly been life changing and I really appreciate how far this has been growing! Shall be posting this months content next month, and will be adding more things in my to do list closer to August!




i must say... rest well and spend some good quality time with your loved ones ☺️👍


Do what you need to and enjoy this one life you have because it's all you get


Enjoy your break, we'll still be here when you're back :)


Enjoy your break! Spend time with your friends and enjoy the summer. We will be patiently waiting for your return ^^


Thanks :) been hanging with them these past few days


Thank ye :) Much appreciated, planning on popping g some things over this Monday when I get back- want to get everything from last month uploaded


Thank yee :P it's been nice seeing the family again

Momo Cruz

April? Did you mean... August? Cause being back in April means we'll see you in 2022 :P


Oh my god xD Yeah, I'm not gone that long :) Brain must of been a bit fried


Enjoy your break! I like your masterpiece! I'm sorry that my English ability is poor, so I can't express it well. But your work is really great! They completely satisfied my fantasy of object TF. I hope you rest properly and stay healthy Only in this way can you draw more masterpieces!


Glad you like my stuff! Your English is pretty good, very understandable-!