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Sorry for all the delays, I over estimate myself way too much. A few major changes that I'll split up into sections

---------------------Monster Musume Comic Cancellation/ Replacement----------------

So, for updates. I've decided to put a pause on the Monster Musume Comic for now as I just wasn't feeling it/ was struggling a fair bit ^^'

It'll be replaced with a Rebecca from Edgerunners comic

--------------------Software Change---------------------------------

Slowed down a bit to try and learn some new software. Photoshop... started scanning files, storing data for use in AI and has apparently made it hard to cancel (Something that I hope my country protects against legally- we're usually decent at that kinda thing)

In general, I was getting fed up of Photoshop anyway- some of their updates reset my settings or introduced bugs (They broke the colour picker in one update -_-) So- I've moved to CSP. Taking a little bit to get used to things. They have some cool features that should neaten up my comics a bit but- it'll take a bit of time to get used to the software.

--------------------Order of releases--------------------

Lucoa's strawberry should be out soon! Then I'll be working on alts for Micro tier, followed by Konosuba Size comic for the Little supporters tier Reward comic and then Cyberpunk TF comic for the other reward comic.

Slime abuse will likely be towards the start of next month- I think realistically it'll be a struggle to fit it into this month

------------------Live streams-----------------
I currently have a work server that do my work in with friends but I thought it'd be nice to occasionally stream and show my work to peeps/ let people know how things are coming along. So- there's now a stage in the discord server that anyone can pop into.

----------------Free tier-----------------
Noticed a lot of people leaving free tier, which I totally understood as I'm not allowed to post my content on that tier- even suggestive stuff hidden by censors.

I do want there to be a reason to be on there though- so I'll be occasionally posting free tier only updates where it'll basically just be a 'Hey, this is what I made this month- I updated this comic- this is what the page is about if you want to come back and see it/ if it's your thing' kinda thing



Sounds like mostly good things, well done

Alias Things

Aww man, im sad about monster musume, but im excited for the new stuff.