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Based on the days my mom and I used to play some NES games when I was a kid, Lunar Ball was our favorite and we had a lot of laughs. Good times... ;uwu;

Happy Mother's Day ❤️




Aww Gwen is so cute 😍 😍 😍


This was my childhood too and I'm still crying at this art it's so cute and happy mother's day ❤️❤️❤️


Well it was kinda like that too with my dad too, except we both sucked ass at video games and took us forever to finish one.🤣


I got my mum into gaming on the commodore 64, many many years ago, she still games in her 70's!

Andrew Norman

Young Gwen looks so adorable 😍


cuando el alumno supera al maestro :3 no importa quien gane o pierda si no que siempre tendrán estos hermosos recuerdos feliz día a todos los que lo celebran este día


Awww! Little Gwen looks so happy! Such a sweet moment to spend with her mom, even though she looks so shocked. 😋 Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful moms of the world. Excellent, touching drawing, Joao!

Alexis Bjorn

Tiny Gwen is adorable