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8 years, damn :v



Steve-O KAIJUfreak

With added cock for good measure. XD nicely done

Andrew Norman

Yes! We finally get to see the cock 🥳 I love how Selma is aroused while everyone else is in utter shock 🤣 This is a massive improvement ❤


That guy is gonna be real happy he chose this beach in a minute.


What an improvement, congratulations!


el tiempo solo muestra lo mucho que realmente has crecido como artista y como tu tecnica a mejorado con el pasar del tiempo


Not only is it quite the upgrade, but you've been drawing these ladies for 8 whole years? Nice

Cameron Murphy

We don't get enough of these three. There's a reason why some of us coined the moniker "the Three S's". This could become an iconic trio in your roster of characters, J. 😎