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I dunno if I shared this here before but anyway here you go lol

This was a commission I finished some months ago but unfornutalely I got scammed, the client never paid me. So now I dunno if I should sell it to at least get some cash for the energy I wasted on it or just simply post to the public... 🤔



Andrew Norman

Yes! This is so hot :3 But really, I'm very sorry that you got scammed :(


Thank you for sharing, but man, I'm so sorry that you got scammed. :( Maybe if there was something to do like a donation pool to help recover any costs, that could help the idea of releasing them to the public if it happens again.

Rush S. Moonshine

I wish I could chip in to help pay for the work...but I'm also biding time to finally commission you...

Fen Longpaw

I like this idea. Maybe something like Ko-fi for tips so we can help pay for the lost time?


Exactly! I feel so bad when artists waste their time and get scammed. Boyfriend is an artist and we do what we can to make sure nothing like this happens.

Andrew Norman

Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I wish João the best of luck that he gets paid for that commission


strength to you, this person does not know the value and the time spent to make a single comic strip.


That 4th wall break though.


I'll always appreciate your art UwU~❤️


Noooooo TwT my favorite Pokemon girl was humiliated T~T


perhaps a round two is needed to save her honor o3o

Green Blur

Talk about a dick move of what that guy did. Also good lewd art you made.


I would say sell it, that is if you haven't came to a decision already. You've put to much work into this spicy short comic.