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Sorry for the back to back model posts. Animation this week hasn't gone exactly to plan, so instead I'm releasing a model that no one asked for.

A 5 foot tall twink named Scraggle.


Been coming up with a lot of ideas lately that involve a male character who's a bit more emotive than my anonymous grey blob dudes, preferably someone with a penis as well (I hear some people like penises, oddly enough). I didn't want to keep using Link like in the animations I made about 2 months ago though, so I began chipping away at this fella a while back. Since I still don't have much to show at the moment I decided that if I couldn't post animation progress this week I'd at least finish up this model and post it for those who may want to toy around with him before I start using him for my own stuff.

Enjoy. Animation next week. Pinky promise.



i sense a little bit of self-inserting :)


Argh, white hair.. my weakness 😭❤️💞


Scraggle is a good name for someone I assume is gonna get dommed the fuck out of. Also take ur time. You're one of the best out there and I'm sure the proper amount of time is an element of that.


looks like a nice meal!

Josh Walker

What program do you use to animate