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It appears that a number of people actually enjoy the strange things I produce. Well, thank you all so very much for your generous support! I hope to put these resources to good use soon in order to bring you even bigger and better things.

In accordance with the poll results, I have begun storyboarding out a bit of a longer and more involved idea. The project will take a good number of months to complete, but if you have enjoyed the things I have created thus far then I will say the wait shall be more than worthwhile. It will not be the only thing I work on, though. I also hope to make a number of smaller animations in the meantime to the tune of whatever strikes my fancy, if I deem the idea manageable enough to be doable whilst keeping the Big animation on track.

For instance, I spent a couple of afternoons this past week giving the girls I've made thusfar some swimwear to celebrate the coming Summer. I even stretched some (very) old deviantart muscles by using them for some quickly made collages. These swimsuits, along with various model fixes and tweaks, will be uploaded to the early access folders soon.

Once again, I am so deeply grateful to everyone who has given any amount to me. I'll just say that I've always had a difficult time finding value in my own art, and seeing so much support pour forth in such a small span of time has been an amazing yet strange experience. Thank you. Thank you. 

I'll work to live up to your expectations and, with luck, exceed them.






Looking forward to it 😀


Your work is incredible and is shown by the amount of support you got, don’t undervalue yourself and always keep your head up! Regarding the animations I have a couple questions, first, do you use Blender to make all your works? Second, have you thought about doing things like polls and taking suggestions from people? and third, even though I absolutely love your animations, have you thought about doing more between 1-2 minutes, not exactly short but not long either and people wouldn’t have to wait as long? Ofc you can work on bigger stuff in the background like you said but this way you’d grow a bigger Patreon without losing supporters do to the wait. I’m happy you got the love you deserved and I’m wishing you the very best ❤️❤️


Thank you for the kind words. I use blender for most things, but also use Substance and Zbrush and other packages where needed. Polls will happen when I feel stuck choosing what direction I want to go in. The animations I post will probably be loops or around 30 seconds. This is an amount of animation I'm generally comfortable with, and can turn around in a decent timeframe. I think this will work out best for everyone, as it will keep me producing things without burning out on a single item or just plain overwork, and it will hopefully be enough content to keep people interested.


Thanks for the answer 🙏 If you don’t mind answering, I’m curious about your background on 3d animation, how long have you been doing it and have you worked on it as a job or has it always been a hobby?


I've been doing 3d work for a number of years, mostly as a hobby with some small commission work here and there.


Tip-fucking top. Also, 100% agreed with 'A Fresher Perspective' - clearly a fellow Perspective of good taste haha, butts are always turbo-good.


Do you have a main character, in mind for the long animation?


Thanks for the update, adding a timeframe is very appreciated. Hope to see some mavis or chel booty in the future, even if they’re not the focus of your big animation Love the tiny dude in Mavis' boobage in the groupshot as well


Your work is amazing dude, I honestly never saw someone doing sizetheft as good as you do, its the most enjoyable thing for me

Shmuck fuck

Will you post wips for the big animation?


Yes, there will be updates for it along the way as pieces fall into place.


Out of curiosity, is that a tiny person in the shadow of Frankie's cleavage? The other girls have tinies at their boobs, so I figure she has one too

Dan C.

Excited to see what's in store. Neve thought I'd see an animated sizetheft that was so good!


I am optimistic, I am a vore guy and i know i have to share the giantess space with all kinds but that promo swallow was top noch


These look absolutely stunning!


Absolutely love your work. Not just the animation, but the top notch sounds really do it for me.


big booba!