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Hey, I hope you a good start in the week. ❤️
I got a REALLY weird question... a few people on YouTube asked me if I would be willing to do a video in which I overeat to a point where I have to throw up.
I create my content based on your wishes. So would you like to see that in one video or would it scare you off...? I'm confused.

Dm me or let me know what you think. I could do that one time but it's up to you. 🫣❤️

Kisses, Nat 💋



Oh please no thanks 😅 I don't want to see you suffer.. really puts me off and as people say, unhealthy. so I would say no 😅


I vote for a "no" as well. As much as we love to see you push your limits it should not be an unpleasant experience which would discourage you from making more videos in future, plus throwing up would be a waste of food :P


no, i’ve heard of it ruining the kink for ppl unless they’re super into it themselves :/ and it’s really hard on your body!


I vote no as well. As many others have said it's not something that is good for your health.


I would only do that if you were chugging water or something. I would rather you be on the brink of throwing up, much hotter

PyroGaming22 J ninthub unifying

Some what agree with Micheal Buckman, but I wouldn’t really feel comfortable with you even feeling sick at all. I would love to see you try getting your belly even bigger though


No, there’s some pieces of shit who will let their own sexual desires take over and not take into account the health of others.


No please dont vomit 🥺eat till youre nice and full but please dont make your body suffer like that, sounds like itd be horrible for you. I like your belly full of food not throwing it out again 😭 Stick to hiccups and burps from being sooo full 😊


Absolutely not.


Thank you so much for your feedback and for caring so much about my health. 🥺❤️


Personally, a better alternative would be investing in an endoscope. Seeing that you did a vore video recently, it would help with future vore videos.


I’d personally be down for this one but it’s your choice!