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The update should be available by Monday with 2 love levels for the sheep, a Halloween style event, and a Lamia outfit. Currently working on the last event art and everything is 95% implemented already.

On to the ranty bit. With the holidays fast approaching, some obviously required downtime is going to occur. I usually have stuff prepped and ready to cover the holidays, but it's hard to say if that's going to happen this year. Mind you it would be something like 1 or 2 less updates overall in the next 2-3 months. We have focused really hard on getting base assets prepped for future girls this year, and we did great. But it does come at the cost of not just using up work time that could have gone to backup updates for this type of situation, but even cost me a good bit of my free time / unpaid time.
Just know that if you see a bit of a slowdown during the holidays, it's cause we were very focused on getting other things done for the game. 


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