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State of Monster Girl Hunt - We have officially been at this for two years now! We have eleven girls released (ten capturable). As for unreleased, we have one capturable with all base art done and one more capturable nearing that stage as well. We also have three non-capturable girls with base art and more done.
This coming update should put us at/over 80 events in the last two years! We have a solid plan moving forward as well. Unreleased we have a ton of event sketches already prepped. A few events have reached line art and color as well. We even have a few done with two that only need about a day to finish, but those need the new map areas.
The next barn based event, Plentywood if I'm not mistaken, is well underway. Just like the Breeds Ranch barn, it's a machine based event, but not milk machine. Most of the girls are up to the point of flat colors with a few that are ready to be animated.

State of the Patreon - As for the patreon, we're doing alright. While I'm still not quite at a living wage with this, I am happy doing what I do, and will continue to do this as long as it's sustainable. We do see continued growth, albeit a bit slower this year, but with current world events I'm just happy to see growth.
We actually rank rather high in terms of our success. We are in the top 15% (precisely 14.1%) of adult game makers on patreon, and of all creators we are in the top 5% (precisely 4.7%).
The game updates more regularly than the majority of adult games do and we have an active community on the discord. We also have around one million views across all our platforms. That actually makes you patrons quite special. Of all those people, it was you who lent a hand to keep this project going, and you have my most sincere thanks for that.

Update 0.2.61 - We have two events in this coming update and some more of the girls got their overworld sprite outfits to match their conversation outfits. At least what's immediately visible to you guys, other work has obviously been done. Check out the progress post for more. I've lost track of everything that's been done, so it's not all inclusive, but still, it's there if you want to check it out. In any case, the update should be done sometime this weekend, but may take till Monday or Tuesday if anything comes up we need to address.

Map - Still making good progress, image attached below. It's taking a bit longer than expected since we added a few extra bits of stuff here and there, along with all the discussion of certain areas and how they will operate in the world and wider lore, and just plain old hopefulness that it wouldn't take so long.

VIPs - Moth (previous VIP) is done as far as all the base assets go. We did some writing for her and we are figuring out where we will go with her. Expect to see her once the newest areas open up. Unannounced VIP monster (current VIP) if all goes well, her base assets will be done in the next update or two.

Current goals - First, we need more map, which we are working on. Second, we want to get most girls to the point of penetration, with one exception because she is more of a tease. We will have two events this week, both penetration, and then hopefully one more penetration event in the next update or two. That should get us to six of ten. We obviously have more story planned, which is yet another reason for the push to get the map done soon.

Map Break Update - Next update I'll be taking a small break from the map work. We already had two long update cycles, so let's take one update cycle and just get some events done. After that, it's right back to the map.

Taxes - Yup, it's that time of year. I'll probably have a day or two off to deal with that. If I go radio silent for a few days, you can assume that's why.



Heya, do you have any plans for impreg content or is it still too early for that?


As far as an impregnation mechanic, there is no current plan, but we do have a few event ideas in mind that could possibly work. I don't generally promise things that aren't 100% certain, though, so we will see how it all pans out.


I made some fan art of most of the girls pregnant in the discord