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Good news, the update drops Thursday! I have a few things to finish up tonight, mostly implementation and one bug that's a easy fix. The update would have came sooner, but this week was filled with everything but progress. It's just one of those things that happens from time to time.

The holidays are here! Because of the extra hustle and bustle, I don't want to make any plans for large updates, I want to take it easy and have fun. I will be taking this month to get events out for monsters that desperately need them and I'll have at least one more game update for you guys this month.

You guys seemed to like the mini review, so I will look into doing a mini review or showcase every 3 or 4 weeks. I already like to see where other games are succeeding and failing, so I do have a hefty h game folder and some opinions. If you have any recommendations, let me know here or over at the discord.


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